
International Presentations

Dr. Riaz has visited and made presentations in the following countries:


Riaz, M. N. 2018. Processing of Soybeans with Extruder- Expeller. Presented at the Congreso Internacional de Extrudores. Organized by CIDEP, Santa Fe. Argentina. Oct. 18-19.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Extrusion Process & Technologies – Application in Feed and Ingredients Processing. Presented at the Congreso Internacional de Extrudores. Organized by CIDEP, Santa Fe. Argentina. Oct. 18-19

Riaz, M. N.     2008.   Extrusion of Oilseeds – Extrusion-expelling of soybeans”. Presented at the ExtruTec Conference, Howard Johnson Hotel, Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina, Nov. 28.

Riaz, M. N.     2008.   Extrusion of Cereals”. Presented at the ExtruTec Conference, Howard Johnson Hotel, Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina, Nov. 28.


Riaz, M. N.     1999. Halal food processing and marketing. 10th world Congress of Food Science & Technology, Sydney Australia. Oct. 3-8.


Riaz, M. N. 2023. Variability in Soybean Quality, Recognize, Calculate and Cooperate in Commercial Feed Formulation. Presented at the Optimum Nutrition. Optimum Performance Improved accuracy improves understanding Conference. Westin Hotel, Dhaka Bangladesh. May 2

Riaz, M. N. 2023. Innovation and Efficiency in Soybean Extraction Plant. Presented at the Optimum Nutrition. Optimum Performance Improved accuracy improves understanding Confernece. Westin Hotel, Dhaka Bngladesh. May 2

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Quality control of FFS and SOM. Presented at the One-day seminar on Full fat Soy & Soy Oil meal Workshop. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council (USSEC). The Westin Dhaka, Bangladesh. Jan. 18.

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Design and Assembly of extruder. Presented at the One-day seminar on Full fat Soy & Soy Oil meal Workshop. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council (USSEC). The Westin Dhaka, Bangladesh. Jan. 18.

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Introduction to SOM (Soy oil meal production technology). Presented at the One-day seminar on Full fat Soy & Soy Oil meal Workshop. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council (USSEC). The Westin Dhaka, Bangladesh. Jan. 18.

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Introduction to FFS (Full Fat Soy meal production Technology). Presented at the One-day seminar on Full fat Soy & Soy Oil meal Workshop. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council (USSEC). The Westin Dhaka, Bangladesh. Jan. 18.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Quality Control in FFSBM Processing and Laboratory Analysis. Presented at the One-day seminar on Protein and Energy through Full Fat Soybeans for Best Feeds. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council (USSEC). The Westin Dhaka, Bangladesh. May 4.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Processing soybean using Extruder to make Partially Defatted Soybean Meal for Feed Industry. Presented at the One-day seminar on Protein and Energy through Full Fat Soybeans for Best Feeds. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council (USSEC). The Westin Dhaka, Bangladesh. May 4.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Production of Full Fat Soybean Meal with Extrusion for its Maximum Quality. Presented at the One-day seminar on Protein and Energy through Full Fat Soybeans for Best Feeds. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council (USSEC). The Westin Dhaka, Bangladesh. May 4.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Current Technologies Used for full fat Soybean Production. Presented at the One-day seminar on Protein and Energy through Full Fat Soybeans for Best Feeds. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council (USSEC). The Westin Dhaka, Bangladesh. May 4.

Riaz, M. N. 2018 Processing Soybeans using Extruder to Make Partially Defatted Soybean Meal for Feed Industry. Presented at the One-day seminar on Protein and Energy through Full Fat Soybeans for Best Feeds. Organized by United Soybean Export Council (USSEC). The Westin Dhaka, Bangladesh. April 17.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Quality Control in FFSBM Processing and Laboratory Analysis. Presented at the, One day seminar on Protein and Energy through Full Fat Soybeans for Best Feeds. Organized by United Soybean Export Council (USSEC). The Westin Dhaka, Bangladesh. April 17.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Production of Full Fat Soybean Meal with Extrusion for its Maximum Quality. Presented at the One-day seminar on Protein and Energy through Full Fat Soybeans for Best Feeds. Organized by United Soybean Export Council (USSEC). The Westin Dhaka, Bangladesh. April 17.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Current Technologies Used for full fat Soybean Production. Presented at the One-day seminar on Protein and Energy through Full Fat Soybeans for Best Feeds. Organized by United Soybean Export Council (USSEC). The Westin Dhaka, Bangladesh. April 17

Riaz, M. N. 2016. Benefits of Using Soy in Bread and other Baked Goods. Presented at the Pran‐RFL Group, Naraingdi, Bangladesh. July 12.

Riaz, M. N.     2002. New food technology: Making money with new food products. Presented at The ATDP-II agribusiness Center for Excellence, Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Oct. 6.

Riaz, M. N.     2002. Feed processing – Using extrusion technology. Presented at Training Program organized by ATDP-II and Chingri Khaddyo Shilpa Samobay Samity. Khulna, Bangladesh, Oct. 2.

Riaz, M. N.     2002. Food processing, product development, quality control and packaging. Presented at the training workshop by Winrock International (Farmer-to-Farmer Program) and Intermediate Technology Development Group, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Jan. 2-3.


Riaz, M. N.     2000. From soy processing to functional foods and nutraceuticals. Presented at “Soy and Health 2000”. Clinical Evidence, Dietetic Application. Palais des Congres, Brussel, Belgium. Oct. 13-14.


Riaz, M. N. 2018. Critical points of extruder configuration regarding efficient production of dog and cat food. Presented at the The XVI CONGRESS CBNA PET 2018 Expo D. Pedro – Campinas, Brazil. May 16. 

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Does the choice of raw materials influence the extrusion process? Presented at the The XVI CONGRESS CBNA PET 2018 Expo D. Pedro – Campinas, Brazil. May 16.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. How to get functional ingredients from soybeans? Presented at the IV International Soybean Processing and Utilization Conference, Foz do Iguassu, PR. Brazil. Feb. 29 to March 5.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Texturization of soy protein: What is available to us? Presented at the Soyfoods Latin America Summit, Grand Hyatt, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Sep. 29-30.

Lusas, E. W., Riaz, M. N.     1995. Low-cost texturization of soybean protein. Presented at: Simposio Brasileiro de Extrusao de Alimentos: Massas Alimenticias e Produtos Extrudados. Centre de Convencoes da Unicamp, Campinas, S. P. Brazil, March 27-29.


Riaz, M. N.     2008.  Extruding Full Fat Soybeans for Maximum Quality. Presented at the seminar on “Full Fat Soybean Meal – The Forgotten Ingredient”. Hilton Hotel Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. 15, 2008.

Riaz, M. N.     2008. Current Technologies used for Full Fat Soybean Meal Production. Presented at the seminar on “Full Fat Soybean Meal – The Forgotten Ingredient”. Hilton Hotel Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. 15, 2008.


Riaz, M. N. 2017. Soybean Processing for the Feed and Food Markets. Presented at the Regional Equine and Agricultural Center for Huron Inc. Organized by Huron Commodities Inc. Clinton, Ontario, Canada. Dec. 8.

Plattner, B., Rokey, G. and Riaz, M. 2006.  Fundamentals of Extrusion and Opportunities for the Feed Industry. Presented at the 27th Western Nutrition Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Sep. 19‐20.

Riaz, M. N.    2002. Halal production standards and plant inspection requirements. Presented at the 4th International Halal Food Conference. Sheraton Gateway Hotel, Toronto, Canada. April 21-23.

Riaz, M. N.     1998. Extrusion of aquaculture feed. 43rd Atlantic Fisheries Conference. St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada. July, 25-29.


Riaz, M. N.  2015. Harmonization of Halal Standards: Opportunities and Challenges. Presented at the 4th Edition Halal Expo Latino Americana, Organized by Chile Halal, Intercontinental Santiago, Santiago, Chile, Nov. 16‐17.


Riaz, M. N. 2022. Protein Selection for Pet Food Extrusion- Impact of Protein on Extruded feed in Terms of Expansion, Texture and Durability. On-Line Presentation 3rd China International Companion Animal Food Ingredients Conference (CAFIC 2022) Suzhou, China. Aug 17.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Equipment Selection for Pet Food Extrusion- “How to Select an Extruder for Pet Food Production. On-Line Presentation for 1st Companion Animal Food Equipment Conference (CAFEC 2022). Suzhou, China Aug 15.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Fats/Oils Selection for Pet Food Extrusion- “Impact of Fat on Extruded feed in Terms of Expansion, Texture and Durability. On-Line Presentation Lamb Pet Nutrition On-Line Forum. China Feb. 24

Riaz, M. N. 2022. New Online Instrument for Food and Feed Extrusion System. On-Line Presentation at the 1st International Virtual Conference of in-line Monitoring and Smart Control Technologies for Feed Processing plant. Organized by Chinese Cereal and Oil Association (CCOA) and Henan University of Technolog(HUT) China Jan. 11.

Riaz, M. N. 2021. Optimization of Starch Ingredients in Extrusion of Pet Foods. Presented at the 2nd China Inernational Companion Animal Food Ingredients Conference CAFIC). OnLine. Radisson Blu Forest Manor Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel. China. Nov. 14-16

Riaz, M. N. 2021. Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Plant Protein Meat Analogues. Presented at the 3rd American Oil Chemist Society (AOCS) China Section Conference. OnLine. China. Nov. 11-12

Riaz, M. N. 2019 Recent Advances in Extrusion Technology. Presented at Henan University of Technology.  Zhengzhou, China Oct. 17.

Riaz, M. N. 2016. Recent Development on Dry Pet Food Extrusion Technology. Presented at the China Pet Food Forum, Organized by the China Feed Industry Association. Beijing Conference Center, Beijing, China, Sep. 5.

Riaz, M. N.  2016. Extrusion of Aqua Feed and New Innovation. Presented at the Workshop of International Feed Processing Technology (Extrusion). Organized by the Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Animal Nutrition Branch of Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine Beijing, China, Sep. 6

Riaz, M. N.     2012. How to make floating and sinking feed using extrusion technology. Presented at 2012 Dalang Symposium on Feed Seminar. Organized by the Dept. of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, College of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University. Guangzhou, China. July 13.

Riaz, M. N.     2009. Mechanical Processing of Soybeans for Feed Application.  Presented at the World Soybean Research Conference VIII. “Developing a Global Soy Blueprint for a Safe Secure and Sustainable supply”.   The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Crop Science Society of China. Beijing, China, Aug. 12.

Riaz, M. N.     2009. Extrusion of Soy Based Aqua Feed.  Presented at the World Soybean Research Conference VIII.  “Developing a Global Soy Blueprint for a Safe Secure and Sustainable supply”.  The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Crop Science Society of China. Beijing, China, Aug. 13.

Riaz, M. N. Rooney, L. W. and Barron, M. 2004. Extrusion of Sorghum for Snack Food Presented at the “International Symposium on the Safety of Cereal, Oil and Food. Shanghai Everbright Convention & Exhibition Center International Hotel, Shanghai, China. June 13-17.

Riaz, M. N.     2002. Production of soy flour for TVP using extrusion/expelling concept. Presented at the China & International Soybean Conference & Exhibition, Beijing, China. Nov. 8

Riaz, M. N.     2002. Production of soy flour for TVP using extrusion/expelling concept. Presented at the China & International Soybean Conference & Exhibition, Beijing, China. Nov. 8

Riaz, M. N.     2002. Aquaculture feed production using extrusion technology. Presented at the Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Beijing. China. Nov. 7.

Riaz, M. N.     2002 Extrusion basics and application. Presented at Dept. of Food Science and Technology, JiangNan University, Wuxi, China, Sep.7.

Riaz, M. N.     2002 Extrusion technology and its application in feed and food industry. Presented at the 4th annual Advanced Feed Processing Training Course. Shita Hotel, Yangzhou, China. Sep. 3-6.


Riaz, M. N.     2013. Extrusion de Soya Integral Para Obttener la Mejor Calidad. Presented at The Taller Sobre Soya Extruida Seminar, Organized by the Asociacion Nacional de Empresarios de Colombia (ANDI), Botota, Colombia. Dec. 5.

Riaz, M. N.     2013. Procesamiento por Extrusion de Frijol Soya para Obener Torta Integral, y Torta Pacialmente Desgrasada para la Nutricion Animal. Presented at The Taller Sobre Soya Extruida Seminar, Organized by the Asociacion Nacional de Empresarios de Colombia (ANDI), Botota, Colombia. Dec. 5.

Riaz, M. N.     2007.  Ethnic and Religious Food: Trends and Opportunities: Presented at the 5th International Food Congress, Ferial 2007 “Food Design and Innovation” Opportunities and Trends. Aug. 23-24. Medellin, Colombia.

Riaz, M. N.     2007. Extruded Snacks: Trends and Opportunities. Presented at the 5th International Food Congress, Ferial 2007. “Food Design and Innovation” Opportunities and Trends. Aug. 23-24. Medellin, Colombia.

Czech Republic

Riaz, M. N.     1999. Feed extrusion training and short courses at Food Protein Research & Development Center, Texas A& M University. Presented at 4th East/West Feed Industry Conference and Exhibition to a Private Group. Prague, Czech Republic June, 15-18.


Riaz, M. N. 2021. Role of Starch, Functional Protein, and Fat in the Aqua Feed Formulation. Presented at the Seminar organized for Cairo Poultry Group (CPG)., Nubareia, Egypt Dec.2.

Riaz, M. N. 2021. Quality Assessment and Plant Optimization for Full Fat Soybeans. Presented at the Seminar organized for Pyramid Poultry Company    New Cairo, Egypt Dec.1.

Riaz, M. N. 2018 Ingredients Consideration for Extrusion of Aqua Feed. Presented at the 4th USSEC Regional Aquaculture Production Conference- MENA. JW Marriott Cairo, Egypt July 6-9

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Advances in Aquaculture Feed Manufacturing. Presented at the 5th USSEC Regional Aquaculture Production Conference- MENA.  JW Marriott Cairo, Egypt July 6-9

Riaz, M. N. 2016. Extrusion Technology for Processing Quality Feed. Presented at the Egyptian Producers Association meeting, Organized by Egyptian Poultry Association, Egypt. Aug. 15.

Riaz, M. N.  2016. Quality Control in full fat soybeans.  Presented at the Pyramid Poultry, 6th of October City, Giza Egypt. Aug. 14.

Riaz, M. N. 2008. Making Floating and Sinking Feed Using Extrusion Technology, Presented at the Extrusion Conference Grand Hyatt, Corniche El Nil, Garden City. Cairo, Egypt. March 16.

Riaz, M. N. 2008. Full Fat Soybean Production Using Extrusion Technology. Presented at the Extrusion Conference Grand Hyatt, Corniche El Nil, Garden City. Cairo, Egypt. March 15.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. Making Floating and Sinking Feed Using Extrusion Technology. Presented at the Extrusion and Full Fat Soybean Conference. Sharm El Sheikh Marriott Beach Resort, Neama Bay, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Feb. 15-16.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. Different Methods of Producing Full fat Soybean Meal. Presented at the Extrusion and Full Fat Soybean Conference. Sharm El Sheikh Marriott Beach Resort, Neama Bay, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Feb. 15-16.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. Full fat Soybean Production using Extrusion Technology (Focused on Dry Extruder). Presented at the Extrusion and Full Fat Soybean Conference. Sharm El Sheikh Marriott Beach Resort, Neama Bay, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Feb. 15-16.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Soy Food Trends and Market. Presented at Soy Flour and Soy Protein Seminar, Four Seasons Hotel, Cairo at Nile Plaza, Egypt. Dec. 5.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Textured Soy Protein – Application, and Economics Benefits. Presented at Soy Flour and Soy Protein Seminar, Four Seasons Hotel, Cairo at Nile Plaza, Egypt. Dec. 5.

Riaz, M. N.     2003.  Fundamentals of feed processing using extrusion technology. Presented at seminar organized by the ASA, Egypt, Four Season Hotel, Giza, Egypt. Feb. 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Soyfoods production. Presented at seminar organized by the ASA, Egypt, Four Season Hotel, Giza, Egypt. Feb. 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Extrusion- Expelling concept of soybeans to make textured soy protein. Presented at seminar organized by the ASA, Egypt, Four Season Hotel, Giza, Egypt. Feb. 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Processing of soybeans into soy ingredients for food and feedapplication. Presented at seminar organized by the ASA, Egypt, Four Season Hotel, Giza, Egypt. Feb. 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2002. Extrusion-Expelling concept to produce low-cost, reduced fat texturized vegetable protein. Presented at Multi Food, El-Arab City, Alexandria, Egypt. May 30.

Riaz, M. N.     2002. Recycling food waste and other by-products for feed using dry extrusion. Presented at seminar organized by the ASA, Egypt, Four Season Hotel, Giza, Egypt. May 29.

Riaz, M. N.     2002. Production and quality parameters of soy meal/full fat soy for feed using extrusion technology. Presented at seminar organized by the ASA, Egypt, Four Season Hotel, Giza, Egypt. May 29.

Riaz, M. N.     2002. Production of aquaculture feed/general feed using extrusion technology.  Presented at seminar organized by the ASA, Egypt, Four Season Hotel, Giza, Egypt. May 29.

Riaz, M. N.     2002. Textured vegetable protein in meat, meat products and vegetarian application. Presented at Soya Bean Processing Workshop, Organized by Agriculture-Led Export Business and World Initiative for Soy in Human Health. Giza, Egypt. May 28.


Riaz, M. N.     2013. Development of Corn Soy Blend Products. Presented at the La Soya: “Beneficious para la Salud y Procesamiento en Productos Alimenticios” Seminario. Real Intercontinental Hotel, San Salvador, El Salvador. Sep. 27.

Riaz, M. N.     2013. The Extrusion Process in Relation to Snack Foods, Healthy Bars and other Soy Products. Presented at the La Soya: “Beneficious para la Salud y Procesamiento en Productos Alimenticios” Seminario. Real Intercontinental Hotel, San Salvador, El Salvador. Sep. 27.

Riaz, M. N.     2005. Texas A&M University Role in Food Industry Research and Extension. Presented at El-Salvador Ministry of Economic, San-Salvador, El-Salvador July 13.


Riaz, M. N. 2018. Raw Material Properties for Aqua Feed Extrusion. Presented at the Aqua Feed Extrusion Short course. A one-day short course for aquafeed processing professionals. SPACE, Rennes, France. Sep. 11.

Riaz, M. N. 2018 Introduction and Principles of Extrusion Technology. Presented at the Aqua Feed Extrusion Short course. A one-day short course for aquafeed processing professionals. SPACE, Rennes, France. Sep. 11.


Riaz, M. N.  2015.  Improving the quality and attributes of rice and flour milling by‐products. Presented at the Global Milling Conference “GRAPAS”. Organized by Victam International. Rheinsaal, Koln, Germany. June 11.

Riaz, M. N.     2013. Properties, Characterization and Application of TVP, HMMA and Others. Presented at the 19th International Scientific Conference “Capabilities of Vegetable Protein” Organized by IGV Institut fur Getreideverarbeitung GmbH, Nuthetal, Germany. April 15-16.

Riaz, M. N.     2013. The Equipment for Extrusion on General and for Protein Extrusion. Presented at the Baking and Extrusion of Protein rich Product Workshop. Organized by IGV Institut fur Getreideverarbeitung GmbH, Nuthetal, Germany. April 17.

Riaz, M. N.     2013. Experience and Challenge in Texturizing Vegetable Protein. Presented at the 19th International Scientific Conference “Capabilities of Vegetable Protein” Organized by IGV Institut fur Getreideverarbeitung GmbH, Nuthetal, Germany. April 15-16.

Riaz, M. N.     2000. Extrusion advances for the new millennium. Presented at International Seminar, Creative Extrusion for the Confectionery Industry.  SIA-40.  Zentralfachschule der Deutschen SuBwarenwirtschaft e.V.  ZDS, Solingen, Germany, Oct. 23-24.

Riaz, M. N.     2000. Formulating natural pet foods.  International Seminar, Pet Food Technologies, SIA-49.  Zentralfachschule der Deutschen SuBwarenwirtschaft e.V.  ZDS, Solingen, Germany, June 19-20.

Riaz, M. N.     1999. The US pet food market.  International Seminar, Pet Food Technologies, SIA-49.  Zentralfachschule der Deutschen SuBwarenwirtschaft e.V.  ZDS, Solingen, Germany, Sep. 13-14.

Riaz, M. N.     1999. Extrusion of aquaculture feed by extrusion technology. International Seminar, Pet Food Technologies, SIA-49.  Zentralfachschule der Deutschen SuBwarenwirtschaft e.V.  ZDS, Solingen, Germany, Sep. 13-14.

Riaz, M. N.     1999. Low-cost methods to develop a textured vegetable protein for food application. Freisinger Tage 99, Prospect for Plant Proteins in Foods. Munich, Germany. June 9-11.

Riaz, M. N.     1998. Experience in developing of low-fat peanut snacks by extrusion technology. International Seminar, Snack-Meeting 98, SIS-18 Zentralfachschule der Deutschen SuBwarenwirtschaft e.V.  ZDS, Solingen, Germany, Nov. 15-17.


Riaz, M. N. and Chaudry, M. M. 2004. Halal Issues in Flavor Industry. Presented at the “11th International Flavor Conference and 3rd George Charalambous Memorial Symposium Doryssa Bay Hotel Village, Island of Samos, Greece.  June 29- July 22nd.


Riaz, M. N. 2022. Trouble Shooting guidelines for Aqua Feed Extrusion. Presented at the Training Seminar for Cycle Farms, Accra, Ghana Oct. 20.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Importance of Raw Material, Preparation and Proper Processing for Aqua Feed Extrusion. Presented at the Training Seminar for Cycle Farms, Accra, Ghana Oct. 19.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Aqua Feed Production from Raw Material to Packaging Presented at the Training Seminar for Cycle Farms, Accra, Ghana Oct. 17.


Riaz, M. N.  2014. Functional Properties of Soy in Food Application. Presented at Universidad del Valle, Organized by the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH), Guatemala City. Guatemala. July 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Processing Soy Protein into Meat Analogue Using Extrusion Technology. Presented at Universidad del Valle, Organized by the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH), Guatemala City. Guatemala. July 3.

Riaz, M. N.     2011.  Production Process of FFSBM. Conditions of Process and Equipment for the Production of FFSBM and Partially Defatted Soybean Flour. Presented at the Seminar “Comprehensive Soy Flour Production.” Presidente Intercontinental Hotel, Guatemala City, Guatemala. May 17.

Hong Kong

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Global trend of pet foods, pet treats, ingredient selection, processing, operation management and trouble shooting in pet food extrusion. On-Line Presentation for North American Renderesrs Association, Hong Kong.

Riaz, M. N.     1999. Soybeans as functional food. Nutraceuticals/Functional Foods Short Course. University of Hong Kong. Sep. 29-30.

Riaz, M. N.     1999.  Processing of nutraceuticals by extrusion technology. Nutraceuticals / Functional Foods Short Course. University of Hong Kong. Sep. 29-30.


Riaz, M. N. 2020.  Tips for Efficient Running of Extruders. Presented at the Soy Oil Meal Processing and Quality Control Webinar.  Organized by US Soybean Export council. India Dec. 28

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Quality Control of Soy oil meal and Full Fat Soy. Presented at the Soy Oil Meal Processing and Quality Control Webinar.  Organized by US Soybean Export council. India Dec. 28

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Full fat Soybean Processing, extrusion of soybeans and quality control in soybean meal. Presented at the soybean Processing seminar, The Residency Towers, Coimbatore, India Oct. 12.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. New Developments in Soy Value Added Products. Presented at the International Soy Conclave-2018. Organized by The Soybean Processor Association of India, Brilliant Convention Center. Indoor, India Oct. 6-7 

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Soy based Innovative Products for Future Nutritional needs of India. Presented at the International Conference on Soya Foods – Opportunities for Growth and Development. Hosted by Soy Food Promotion and Welfare Association. Courtyard by Marriott, Bhopal, India, November 7.

Riaz, M. N.  2014. Modern Extrusion Processing Technologies in Context with Soy. Presented at the International Conference on Soya Foods – Opportunities for Growth and Development. Hosted by Soy Food Promotion and Welfare Association. Courtyard by Marriott, Bhopal, India, November 7.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Ready to Eat Food Products‐ A global Trend. Presented at the Short Course on Processing and Utilization of Soy for TSP, Bakery and Ready to Eat Foods and in Snack Food Application. Hosted by AIBTB, Greater Noida, NCR India, November 4‐5.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Role of soy as an ingredient in Food Application Globally. Presented at the Short Course on Processing and Utilization of Soy for TSP, Bakery and Ready to Eat Foods and in Snack Food Application. Hosted by AIBTB, Greater Noida, NCR India, November 4‐5.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Extrusion Technology and Soy based Extruded Products. Presented at the Short Course on Processing and Utilization of Soy for TSP, Bakery and Ready to Eat Foods and in Snack Food Application. Hosted by AIBTB, Greater Noida, NCR India, November 4‐5.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Role of soy protein in bakery applications. Presented at the Short Course on Processing and Utilization of Soy for TSP, Bakery and Ready to Eat Foods and in Snack Food Application. Hosted by AIBTB, Greater Noida, NCR India, November 4‐5.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Halal Food Production – An Overview. Presented at the International Seminar/Workshop Cum Exhibition on Halal Food Standardization, Trade and Commercial IORA Region. Organized by the Indian Ocean Rim Association Regional Center for Science and Technology Transfer. Hosted by Iranian research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran, Iran. September 8.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Halal Food Assurance and HACCP. Presented at the International Seminar/Workshop Cum Exhibition on Halal Food Standardization, Trade and Commercial IORA Region. Organized by the Indian Ocean Rim Association Regional Center for Science and Technology Transfer. Hosted by Iranian research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran, Iran. September 9.

Riaz, M. N.     2012. Cereal extrusion technology for small processing enterprises. Presented at the 1st ICC India International Grains Conference in Partnership with ICRISAT, New Delhi, India. Jan. 18.

Riaz, M. N. 2009. Mechanical Processing of oilseed for Food and Feed Application. Presented at the 64th Annual Convention and International Conference on Oils, Fats, Fuels and Surfactants. Crowne Plaza, New Delhi, India Dec. 10.

Riaz, M. N. 2008. Advances and Modern Trends in Texturized Soy Protein Processing. Presented at the “Get together and Knowledge Sharing Conference on New Development on Soya‐Wadi. Le Meridian, New Delhi,India Dec. 14.

Riaz, M. N.     2008.   Role of Extrusion processing in Soy Utilization / Extrusion of Soy based Food and Dal Analogs. Presented at the “Fifth International Soybean Processing and Utilization Conference (ISPUC-V 2008)”. Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, India. Dec. 12.

Riaz, M. N.     2008.  Alternative Methods for Processing Soybeans for Food and Feed Applications. Presented at the “Fifth International Soybean Processing and Utilization Conference (ISPUC-V 2008)”. Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, India. Dec. 12.

Riaz, M. N.     2008.  Processing Textured Soy Protein and its Raw Material Properties. Presented at the “Fifth International Soybean Processing and Utilization Conference (ISPUC-V 2008)”. Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, India. Dec. 11.

Riaz, M. N.     2008.  Functional Benefits of Soy – A Food Technologist Perspective. Presented at the “Fifth International Soybean Processing and Utilization Conference (ISPUC-V 2008)”. Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, India. Dec. 11.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Soy Food Extrusion. Presented at the International Conference on Soybean for Food Uses. Hotel Fortune Landmark, Indore, India.  Dec. 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Growth of Soy Food in US Market.  Presented at the International Conference on Soybean for Food Uses. Hotel Fortune Landmark, Indore, India.  Dec. 22.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Soy food extrusion and other opportunities in India. Presented at the Soy Food Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, India Oberoi Towers, Nairman Point, Mumbai, India, July 21.


Riaz, M. N. 2023. Quality Extruded Shrimp Feed Production with Limitd Option of Food Ingredients. Presented at the Indonesia Shrimp Retreat 2023. Global Trends of Shrimp Trade and Carrying Capacity for Production. Eastparc Hotel. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. March 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2023. Production of Quality Shrimp Feeds for the use of Automatic Feeders. Presented at the Indonesia Shrimp Retreat 2023. Global Trends of Shrimp Trade and Carrying Capacity for Production. Eastparc Hotel. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. March 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Comparative Analysis of Food Safety and Halal Requirements for Dairy Products.  Presented at the International Symposium Understanding Halal and Safety Requirements for the Dairy Industry, Dowing Ballroon, Ashley Hoel, Wahid Hasyim, Jakarta, Indonesia Oct. 4.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Food Safety Requirements for Dairy Products: PMO and FSMA.  Presented at the International Symposium Understanding Halal and Safety Requirements for the Dairy Industry, Dowing Ballroon, Ashley Hotel, Wahid Hasyim, Jakarta, Indonesia Oct. 4.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Ingredient Selection and Density Control in Feed Production. Indonesia Aquafeed Conference (IAC). Swissotel PIK Avenue Jakarta. Indonesia July 20-21.

Riaz, M. N. 2021. Feedmill ingredient risk management/cost savings and Relationship between ingredients, recipe, and manufacturing. Presented at the USSEC Indonesia Feed Mill Webinar. Online- Indonesia. May 25.

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Challenge of Halal Certification in the Cosmetic Industry. Presented at International Webinar. Organized by Indonesia Halal Training & Education Center (IHTEC) Bagor, Indonesia, Sep.3rd.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Extrusion of Micro Aquatic Feed. Presented at the Aqua Feed Seminar at JAPFA Pt. Suri Tani Pemuka Feed Mill, Purwakarta Indonesia.  April 5.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. High Fat Contents Extruded Feed. Presented at the Aqua Feed Seminar at JAPFA Pt. Suri Tani Pemuka Feed Mill, Purwakarta Indonesia.  April 5.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. High Fat Contents Extruded Feed. Presented at the Aqua Feed Seminar, PT. Sinta Prima Feed mill, Jakarta, Indonesia.  April 4. 

Riaz, M. N. 2019. U.S. Soybeans in Full fat Soy Production: Extrusion & Other Process. Maintaining Quality of Full fat soybeans: Handling and Storage. Presented at the U.S. Soy Nutrition & Feed Formulation Workshops; Full fat Soybean Roadshow U.S. Soybean Meal & Full fat Soybeans: Best Choice for Poultry and Swine Feeds, Shangri-La Hotel, Surabaya, Indonesia, March 11-12

Riaz, M. N. 2018. HACCP Application in Animal feed Industry. Presented at the Broiler Nutrition and Feed Technology Conference. Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Dec. 11-12

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Ingredients Processing with Universal Pellet Cooker (UPC) for Poultry Feed. Presented at the Broiler Nutrition and Feed Technology Conference. Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Dec. 11-12

Riaz, M. N.  2018. Extrusion Technology in Manufacturing Fish Feed and Micro‐feed for Fish Larvae. Presented at the Aqua Feed Seminar Organized by United State Soybean Export Council, (USSEC), Southeast Region. JAFA Conference room. PT. Indojaya Agrinusa Jln. Medan – Tanjung Morawa Sumatra Utara, Medan, Indonesia April 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Potential Hazards in Food: Ensuring the Concept of Tayyab in Food. Presented at the 1st International Conference and Expo in Halal, State and Society in Asia Pacific. Organized by the Islamic State University, Jakarta, Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia. Oct. 21‐22.

Riaz, M. N. 2017.  Extrusion Technology in manufacturing fish feed. Presented at the JAFA Feed Mill, Java. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council, (USSEC), Southeast Region. JAFA Conference room, Java, Timor, Indonesia, March 1.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Utilizing social media to Increase Halal Awareness among Consumers.  Presented at the Global Trade Development Week 8.00 Halal Trade, Manufacturing and Logistics. Organized by K.W Group, Intercontinental Jakarta, Indonesia Feb. 27‐28

Riaz, M. N.  2015. Food safety and extrusion processing. Presented at the Global Milling and Genetics Conference. Organized by ILDEX Indonesia, JIExpo Kemayoran Trade Center, Jakarta, Indonesia, Oct. 8‐10.

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Improving feed quality through extrusion technology cooking. Presented at the Global Milling and Genetics Conference. Organized by ILDEX Indonesia, JIExpo Kemayoran Trade Center, Jakarta, Indonesia, Oct. 8‐10.

Riaz, M. N.     2012. Processing of Full fat Soy with Difference extruders. Presented at the Extrusion Workshop. Organized by American Soybean Association, International Marketing. Gran Melia, Jakarta, Indonesia. March 20.

Riaz, M. N.     2012. Introduction to Extrusion Technology. Presented at the Extrusion Workshop. Organized by American Soybean Association, International Marketing. Gran Melia, Jakarta, Indonesia. March 19.

Riaz, M. N.   2005. Extrusion Techniques in Fish Feed Production. Presented at the Extrusion Training  Seminar. Ciawi, Bogor Agriculture Research Institute, Indonesia, May 13.

Riaz, M. N.   2005. Extrusion of Full Fat Soy Meal. Presented at the Extrusion Training Seminar. Ciawi, Bogor Agriculture Research Institute, Indonesia, May 12.

Riaz, M. N.     2001. An overview of soy processing, using soy ingredients in different food products and production of texturized vegetable protein. Presented at Indo Food. Organized by American Soybean Association and ECFED. Jakarta, Indonesia. May 25.

Riaz, M. N.     2001. Processing of aqua feed and pet food by extrusion. Presented at Extrusion Technology Seminar. Organized by American Soybean Association and ECFED. Balai Penelitian Ternak, Ciawi, Bagor, Indonesia. May 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2001. Production and quality parameter of soy meal using extrusion technology. Presented at Extrusion Technology Seminar. Organized by American Soybean Association and ECFED. Balai Penelitian Ternak, Ciawi, Bagor, Indonesia. May 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2001. Fundamental of Extrusion. Presented at Extrusion Technology Seminar. Organized by American Soybean Association and ECFED. Balai Penelitian Ternak, Ciawi, Bagor, Indonesia. May 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2001. Soybean processing using extrusion technology. Presented at Soyfood Processing Seminar; The Challenges and Opportunities. Organized by American Soybean Association and The Texas A&M Agriculture Program. Bina Karna Hall – Kompleks Bidkara. Jakarta, Indonesia. May, 21.

Riaz, M. N.     2001. Global trends for development and commercial marketing of soy food products. Presented at Soyfood Processing Seminar; The Challenges and Opportunities. Organized by American Soybean Association and The Texas A&M Agriculture Program. Bina Karna Hall – Kompleks Bidkara. Jakarta, Indonesia. May, 21.


Riaz, M. N.     2003. Full fat soybean meal quality and processing parameters. Presented at North West Silos, Belfast, Ireland. May 14.


Riaz, M. N.     2013. Techniques Employed In the Manufacture of Swin, Pet and Aquaculture Feed. Presented at The Rural Agriculture Development Authority (R.A.D.A), Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica. Dec.16.

Riaz, M. N.     2013. The Process of Extrusion – Details on what is the process of extrusion and how it works. Presented at The Rural Agriculture Development Authority (R.A.D.A), Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica. Dec.16.

Riaz, M. N.     2013. Extrusion as a Tool for the Production of Livestock Feeds. Presented at The Rural Agriculture Development Authority (R.A.D.A), Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica. Dec.16.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Extrusion of Ground Provisions (yams, cassava, etc.) for food application. Presented at the “The Essentials of Feed Milling and Manufacturing” seminar, Knutsford Court Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, April 20.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Pelleting. Presented at the “The Essentials of Feed Milling and Manufacturing” seminar, Knutsford Court Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, April 20.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Grain Storage (corn and soybean). Presented at the “The Essentials of Feed Milling and Manufacturing” seminar, Knutsford Court Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, April 20.

 Riaz, M. N.     2004. Evaluation of the quality of soybean meal for poultry, swine and aquaculture. Presented at the “The Essentials of Feed Milling and Manufacturing” seminar, Knutsford Court Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, April 20.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Production and quality parameters of soybean meal (full fat soy) for feed. Presented at the “The Essentials of Feed Milling and Manufacturing” seminar, Knutsford Court Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, April 20.


Riaz, M. N.     2014. Halal business in the United States and its Certification Process. Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Food Halalness – religious Norm and Food Business: a Global Perspective. Organized by the “Gurunavi” Endowed Chair in Future Food, Tokyo Tech University, Tokyo, Japan. June 17.

Riaz, M. N.     2013. Halal Activities in USA Market for Muslim Consumer. Presented at the Japan’s First “Experience to eat, stay, Muslim inbound Symposium”. Organized by the Nippon Asia Halal Association, Hotel Springs Makuhari, Japan. July 3.

Riaz, M. N.   2000. Application of extrusion technology in food application. Presented at the Laboratory of Bioprocess Engineering; Department of Biological & Environmental Engineering, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Oct. 18.

Riaz, M. N.     2000.  Production of fullfat soy by extrusion technology. Presented at The Third International Soybean Processing and Utilization Conference. Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. Oct. 15-20.

Riaz, M. N.     2000. Functional foods for a modern Health program. Presented at the ASA’s 3rd Annual Food Soybean Conference. Aogaku Kailan, Tokyo, Japan. June, 13.


Riaz, M. N. 2017. How to Make Sure A Smooth-Running Operation for Aqua Feed. Presented at the USSEC Third Regional Aquaculture Production Conference – Organized by the United State Soybean Export Council. Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel, Jordan. July 29‐31

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Single or Twin-Screw Extruder for Aqua Feed. Presented at the USSEC Third Regional Aquaculture Production Conference – Organized by the United State Soybean Export Council. Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel, Jordan. July 29‐31

Riaz, M. N. 2016. Aqua Feed Safety and Extrusion Processing. Presented at the USSEC Second Regional Aqua Investment Workshop – MENA. Kempinski Hotel Ishtar, Dead Sea, Jordan. Sep. 23‐26.

Riaz, M. N. 2016.  How to Make Quality Feed Using Extrusion Technology. Presented at the USSEC Second Regional Aqua Investment Workshop – MENA. Kempinski Hotel Ishtar, Dead Sea, Jordan. Sep. 23‐26.

Riaz, M. N. 2016.  Processing soybeans with Extrusion Technologies.  Presented at the Al Jazeera Poultry, Amman, Jordan, Aug. 13.

Riaz, M. N.  2014. Halal business in the United States and its Certification process. Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Food Halalness – religious Norm and Food Business: a Global Perspective. Organized by the “Gurunavi” Endowed Chair in Future Food, Tokyo Tech University, Tokyo, Japan, June 17

Riaz, M. N.     2002. Textured soy protein in meat and meat products. Presented at Nabil and UNIUM Meat Processor. Amman, Jordan, May 25, 2002.


Riaz, M. N. 2021. Food Additive Issues in Halal Food Processing.  Presented at the International Webinar Organized by the Central Asian Islamic Magazine, Umma, Kyrgyzstan. Feb.7.


Riaz, M. N. 2021. Nurturing Young Talent in the Global Halal Industry. Presented at the iHalalConference, The Third International Halal Virtual Conference. Organized by iHalalConference and SMIIC. Kuwait, June 21-27.

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Serious Issues in Halal Standards: How Can we harmonize. Presented at the iHalalConference, The First International Halal Virtual Conference. Organized by iHalalConference and SMIIC. Kuwait, April 6-18th.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. How to get Halal Certified?  Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section.  Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N.  2017. Animal food and Halal Food. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section.  Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Labeling, Packaging, and Coatings for Halal Food. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section.  Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N.  2017. GMO Ingredients Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N. 2017 Flavoring as an Ingredients. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section.  Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N. 2017 Ingredients from Insects. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section.  Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N. 2017 The Issue of Undeclared Ingredients in Halal Food Processing, A Focus on Processing Aids. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N. 2017 Food Additives as an Ingredients. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N. 2017 Food Ingredients in Halal Food Production. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Alcohols in Halal Food Production. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N. 2017Enzymes in Halal Food Production. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Gelatins in Halal Food Production. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Halal Production Requirements for Nutritional Food Supplements. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section.  Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Halal Production requirements for Cereal and Confectionary. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section.  Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N.  2017. Halal Production Requirements for fish and Seafood. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section.  Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N.  2017Halal production and requirements for Fairy Products. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section.  Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N.  2017. Halal production requirements for Meat and Poultry. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section.  Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. General Guidelines for Halal food and Non‐food Production. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section.  Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Halal Food Laws and Regulation. Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N.  2017. Halal Terminologies Presented at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Organized by Manpower Development Dept. Internal training Program Development Section.  Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Feb. 19‐22.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Potential hazards in Foods: Update system in ensuring the concept of Tayyab in Food. Presented at the Third Gulf Conference on Halal Industry and its Services. Organized by the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Sheraton Hotel, Kuwait City, Kuwait. May 14.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Halal Critical points of cosmetics, drugs and vitamin products. Presented at the An Intensive Training Course Entitled “Skills in Controlling Critical Points in the Halal Industry and its Services”. A Prerequisite of Halal Lead Auditor. Organized by the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Sheraton Hotel, Kuwait City, Kuwait. May 12.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Halal critical points in flavoring and other additives of plant and insect source material. Presented at the An Intensive Training Course Entitled “Skills in Controlling Critical Points in the Halal Industry and its Services”. A Prerequisite of Halal Lead Auditor. Organized by the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Sheraton Hotel, Kuwait City, Kuwait. May 12.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Halal critical points of animal sources materials. Presented at the An Intensive Training Course Entitled “Skills in Controlling Critical Points in the Halal Industry and its Services”. A Prerequisite of Halal Lead Auditor.  Organized by the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Sheraton Hotel, Kuwait City, Kuwait. May 12.

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Strengthening the Halal Food Model. Presented at the Second Gulf Conference on Halal Industry and its Services. Organized by the Ministry of Justice and of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Crown Plaza Hotel, Farwaniyah, Kuwait. January 23.

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Technical Components of Halal Raw Material and Ingredients. Presented at the Training Course on Halal Lead Auditor. Organized by Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Crown Plaza Hotel, Farwaniyah, Kuwait. January 21.

Riaz, M. N. 2012. Proposed budget for managing Halal awareness and Halal R&D activities. Presented at the 1st Gulf Workshop on the Halal Industry and its Services. Organized by Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, State of Kuwait and Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR). Holiday Inn, Al‐Salmiyah, Kuwait City, Kuwait. March 28

Riaz, M. N. 2012. Methodology for raising awareness about Halal and related Marketing Techniques. Presented at the 1st Gulf Workshop on the Halal Industry and its Services. . Organized by Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, State of Kuwait and Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR). Holiday Inn, Al‐Salmiyah, Kuwait City, Kuwait. March 27.


Riaz, M. N.     2001. Introduction and fundamentals of extrusion. Presented at the Pre-Congress Food Extrusion Course at the 11th world Congress of Food Science & Technology, Seoul, Korea, April 20.

Riaz, M. N.     2001. Snack food extrusion. Presented at the Pre-Congress Food Extrusion Course at the 11th world Congress of Food Science & Technology, Seoul, Korea, April 20-21.


Riaz, M. N. 2018. Halal and Science‐ The Role of Science in Halal Food. Presented at the, World Halal Conference Organized by the Halal Industry Development Corporation, Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur City, Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia April 4‐5.

Riaz, M. N.     2010.  Updates of Halal Innovation in USA. Presented at the World Halal Research’10. Inspiring Innovation through Halal Research.  Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC), Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Malaysia June 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2009.  Halal an Emerging Food Quality Standard – Similarities between Halal & HACCP. Presented at the World Halal Research Summit 2009.  Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Malaysia May 8.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. New Technological solutions – Extrusion Process. Presented at the International Palm Oil Trade Fair and Seminar (POTS) Snack Foods and Palm Oil – Trends and Opportunities.   Shangri- La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Nov. 21-24.


Riaz, M. N.     2012. Halal meat requirements for Export. Presented at the Foro Internacional de comercializacion de la Carne 2012. Organized by Mexican Beef, at Hotel Presidente Intercontinental, Mexico City, Mexico, Nov. 12-13.

Riaz, M. N.     2011. The use of expanders and extruders in processing of soy to improve the quality and to reduce costs. Presented at the seminar “Temas Selectos Sobre Procesamiento de Soya y Produccion de Aceite” Presidente Hotel Fiesta Americanda Reforma, Mexico City, Mexico. Sep. 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2011. Quality Parameters in Processing SBM and Extraction of soy bean oil. Presented at the Seminar “Temas Selectos Sobre Procesamiento de Soya y Produccion de Aceite” Presidente Hotel Fiesta Americanda Reforma, Mexico City, Mexico. Sep. 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Evaluation of the Quality of Soybean Meal. Presented at the “Tecnología de Producción y Refinación de Aceite de Soya Los días”en Querátaro Qro. En el Hotel Camelinas (Raddison) Querétaro. Mexico, Aug 11-12.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Advances in the Production of High-Quality Soybean Meal.  Presented at the “Tecnología de Producción y Refinación de Aceite de Soya Los días”en Querátaro Qro. En el Hotel Camelinas (Raddison) Querétaro. Mexico, Aug 11-12.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Recommendation for storage of soybean, drying conditions and preparation to ensure optimum yield of soybeans oil and high quality of soybeans meal. Presented at Producción De Aceite Crudo, Pasta Y Harina De Soya De Alta Calidad Los días en el, Hotel Holiday Inn en Matamoros Tams, Mexico. May 23-23.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Analysis of protein in soybeans and soybeans meal by near Infrared (NIR). Presented at Producción De Aceite Crudo, Pasta Y Harina De Soya De Alta Calidad Los días en el, Hotel Holiday Inn en Matamoros Tams, Mexico, May 22-23.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Evaluation of the quality of soybean meal for poultry, swine and aquaculture Presented at the Produccion De Aceite Crude Pasta Y Harina De Soya De Alta Calidad Seminar, Organized by ASA Mexico, at Hotel Emporio En Veracruz, Mexico. April, 24.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Production of soybean meal (48% protein); Advantages and disadvantages of expander; Hot dehulling and top dehulling. Presented at the Produccion De Aceite Crude Pasta Y Harina De Soya De Alta Calidad Seminar, Organized by ASA Mexico, at Hotel Emporio En Veracruz, Mexico. April, 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2001 Soybean processing and use of expander/extruder to make texturized vegetable protein. Presented at Grasas y Aceties y exportadora jal, Guadalajara, Mexico. Organized by American Soybean Association, Sep. 13.

Riaz, M. N.     2001. Soybean processing and role of expanders in oilseed processing. Presented at Tron Hermanos, Morila, Mexico. Organized by American Soybean Association, Sep. 12.

Riaz, M. N.     2001. Soybean and texturized vegetable protein processing. Presented at Proteinas del Bajio, Celaya, Mexico. Organized by American Soybean Association, Sep. 11.

Riaz, M. N.     2001. Soybean meal in poultry and aquaculture feed. Presented at Soybean processing Seminar at Fiesta Inn, Veracruz, Mexico, Organized by American Soybean Association. Aug. 28-30.

 Riaz, M. N.     2001. Soybean meal in swine and aquaculture feed. Presented at the Seminario Produccion de aceite crudo, pasta y harina de soya. en el Hotel Ancira Radisson, Monterrey, N. L. Los dias, Mexico. July, 10-13.

Riaz, M. N.     2001. Processing of soybeans with expander/extruder of low investment and high quality. Presented at Produccion De Aceite De Soya De Alta Calida Para Su Uso En Productos Alimenticios. Asociacion Americana de Soya, Camara de Aceites y Proteinas de Occidente, Hotel Holiday Inn Select, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Abril 25 y 27.

Riaz, M. N.     2000. Extrusion expelling of soybeans for textured soy protein. Presented at the World Conference and Exhibition on Oilseed Processing and Utilization. Cancun, Mexico, American Oil Chemist Society. Nov. 12-17.

Riaz, M. N.     2000. Production of texturized vegetable protein. Presented at ASA Seminar Texturized Vegetable Protein. Mexico City, Mexico. Aug. 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2000. Functional and quality parameter of soybean meal. Presented at the Seminario Produccion de aceite crudo, pasta y harina de soya. en el Hotel Ancira Radisson, Monterrey, N. L. Los dias, Mexico, 6y7 de julio.


Riaz, M. N.  2016.  Introduction to Extrusion, an Alternative to Solvent Extraction Processing. Presented at the U.S. Soy Extrusion Seminar at the Myanmar Edible Oil Dealers Association Founders Hall (MEODA). Organized by the American Soybean Association (ASA) World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH). Yangon, Myanmar June 8.

Riaz, M. N. 2016. Extruders in Snack Foods Processing. Presented at the Myanmar Food Science and Technology Association (FOSTA). Yangon, Myanmar Jan. 21.

Riaz, M. N. 2016. Processing of Soybeans for food Application using Extruder Technology. Presented at the Myanmar Edible Oil Dealers Association (MEODA). Yangon, Myanmar Jan. 20.


Riaz, M. N. 2022. Full fat Soybean Processing with Dry Extrusion. Presented for the Aaalaf Chemaou Feed Industry. Ribba, Region of Temara; Morocco, Dec. 22.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Extrusion Problems in Aqua Feed Production. Presented for the Fish Tech Feed Industry.  Sale, Morocco, Dec. 21

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Requirements for Producing Good Quality Feed. Do and Don’ts in Aqua Feed Extrusion. On-Line Presentation 1st USSEC Conference on Aquaculture Opportunities in Morocco, Hotel the View Hay Ryad Rabat, Morocco, Sep. 20.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Pet Food Extrusion Presented at First USSEC webinar on Pet Food Production Maghreb, Morroco. March 10.

Riaz, M. N. 2021. Single or twin-Screw extruder for aqua feed? How to make sure a smooth-running operation for aqua feed. Presented at the 1st USSEC Soy Excellent Center Maghreb Aquaculture Conference. OnLine. Morocco, Sep. 22.

Riaz, M. N. 2021. Quality Assessment and Plant Optimization. Presented at the Extrusion Technical Workshop, Organized by US Soybean Export council. Morocco. Jan. 7th

Riaz, M. N. 2021. Full Fat Production: Equipment Operation and Management for Quality. Presented at the Extrusion Technical Workshop, Organized by US Soybean Export council. Morocco. Jan.7th

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Extrusion Process in Fish Feed. Presented at the 1st USSEC Extrusion Processing Virtual Conference for Aquaculture and Feed Industries 2020”. Morocco.  July 7th

Riaz, M. N. 2020. High fat Feed Extrusion. Presented at the 1st USSEC Extrusion Processing Virtual Conference for Aquaculture and Feed Industries 2020”. Morocco.  July 7th

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Extrusion Principles. Presented at the 1st USSEC Extrusion Processing Virtual Conference for Aquaculture and Feed Industries 2020”. Morocco.  July 7th

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Full fat Soybean Meal with Extrusion Technology. Presented at Alf Afriquia feed Mill. Rabat, Morocco. May 27

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Extrusion Expelling of Soybean meal. Presented at Casa Grants Feed Mill. Rabat, Morocco. May 29

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Processing Soybeans using extruders to Make Full fat soybeans and partially defatted soybean meal for Feed Industry. Presented at the 2nd Poultry Roundtable for the Feed Industry. Organized by United Soybean Export Council. Sheraton Hotel and Tower, Casablanca, Morocco. May 10‐12.

Riaz, M. N.  2015.  Current technologies used for full fat soybean production. Presented at the 2nd Poultry Roundtable for the Feed Industry. Organized by United Soybean Export Council. Sheraton Hotel and Tower, Casablanca, Morocco. May 10‐12.

Riaz, M. N.     2000. Texturized vegetable protein production using extrusion technology. Presented at Lesieur Cristal, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Casablanca, Morocco. June 28-July 42.

Riaz, M. N.     2000. Production of high-quality soybean meal using expanders. Presented at Lesieur Cristal, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Casablanca, Morocco. June, 28-July 4.

Riaz, M. N.     1999. Production of Hi-Pro soybean meal using hot dehulling and extrusion technology. Presented at Lesieur Cristal, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Casablanca, Morocco. May 25-27.


Riaz, M. N. 2022. Effect of Protein, Starch, and Fat on Aqua Feed Extrusion. 6th Annual Aqua Feed Conference. Organized by Internatioal Aqua Feed Magazine, Texas A&M University and VIV. Jaarbeurs Exhibition CentreUtrecht, The Neatherland June 1.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Pet Food Extrusion Trends. Presented at Petfood Extrusion and Treat Conference. VIV Europe, Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, The Netherland. June 21.

New Zealand

Riaz, M. N.  2015.  Cereal extrusion technology for food processing enterprises. Presented at the IJFST 50th Celebration Conference: The future of food Innovation, nutrition and technology. Lincoln University, New Zealand, Christchurch, New Zealand Feb. 17‐19.

Riaz, M. N. 2015.  Halal food production in the 21st century: Challenges and opportunities. Presented at the IJFST 50th Celebration Conference: The future of food Innovation, nutrition and technology. Lincoln University, New Zealand, Christchurch, New Zealand Feb. 17‐19.


Riaz, M. N. 2022. Quality Control Application for Full Fat Soy: During and After Production. Full Fat Soy Meal workshop. Marriott Hotel. Kathmandu, Nepal. March 29.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Processing Soybeans using Extruder to make Partially Defatted Soybean Meal for Feed Industry. Full Fat Soy Meal workshop. Marriott Hotel. Kathmandu, Nepal. March 29.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Technology Comparison in Full Fat Soy Production. Full Fat Soy Meal workshop. Marriott Hotel. Kathmandu, Nepal. March 28.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Introduction to Full Fat Soy Meal Production Technology. Full Fat Soy Meal workshop. Marriott Hotel. Kathmandu, Nepal. March 28.

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Quality control of FFS and SOM. Presented at the One-day seminar on Full fat Soy & Soy Oil meal Workshop. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council (USSEC). Hotel Yak & Yeti Kathmandu, Nepal. Jan. 20

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Design and Assembly of extruder. Presented at the One-day seminar on Full fat Soy & Soy Oil meal Workshop. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council (USSEC). Hotel Yak & Yeti Kathmandu, Nepal. Jan. 20

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Introduction to SOM (Soy oil meal production technology). Presented at the One-day seminar on Full fat Soy & Soy Oil meal Workshop. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council (USSEC). Hotel Yak & Yeti Kathmandu, Nepal. Jan. 20.

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Introduction to FFS (Full Fat Soy meal production Technology). Presented at the One-day seminar on Full fat Soy & Soy Oil meal Workshop. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council (USSEC). Hotel Yak & Yeti Kathmandu, Nepal. Jan. 20.


Riaz, M. N.     2003. Extrusion Technology Program at Food Protein Research & Development Center. Presented at Dept. of Feed Manufacturing Technology, University of Norway, Oslo, Norway. April 11.


Riaz, M. N. 2016.  Potential Hazards in Food: Ensuring the concept of Halalan Tayyaban in Food.  Presented at Food Safety and Traditional Foods Conference Organized by The Ministry of Reginal Municipalities and Water Resources. Al‐Bustan Palace ‐ A Ritz Carlton Hotel, Muscat, Oman April 12‐14


Riaz, M. N. 2022. Extrusion Process of Aqua Feed.  On-Line Presentation for International Symposium on Innovative Trends in Aquaculture. Aquaculture & Fisheries, Dept. of Zoology of Sialkot and Dept of Fisheries Punjab, Univ. of Sialkot, Pakistan Dec. 20.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Extrusion – A Processing Tool for Quality and Safe Aqua Feed Production.  Presented at the International Conference in Fisheries and Aquaculture.  Organized by Dept. of Zoology, Government College University (GCU), Lahore, Dept of Fisheries Punjab, and Alltech Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan Nov. 23.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Halal Food Foressics: Ingredients and Product Testing.  Presented at the International Symposium at The Dept. of Food Science and Technology, University Central Punjab (UCP).  In Collaboration with IFANCA Pakistan. UCP, Lahore Campus Pakistan Nov. 22.

Riaz, M. N. 2021. Innovation and Efficiency in Soybean Extraction plants. Presented at the US Soy Crush Crash Course 2 Webinar- Online. Pakistan. May 27.

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Overview of Soybean Processing. Presented at Soy Crushing Webinar. Organized by US Soybean Export Council (USSEC), Pakistan, Aug. 11-12.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. How to Produce Best feed for different fish species. Presented at the International fisheries and Aquaculture Conference, Organized by the Dept. of Fisheries and Aquaculture, University of Veterinary & Animal Science, Lahore, Pakistan, Jan, 30-31

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Feed Quality and Storage. Presented at the One-Day Seminar on Extrusion of Aqua Feed Using Soy. Organized by World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH). University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore, Pakistan. Nov. 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Extrusion of Aqua Feed. Presented at the One-Day Seminar on Extrusion of Aqua Feed Using Soy. Organized by World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH). University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore, Pakistan. Nov. 3.

Riaz, M. N.  2017. Raw materials for extrusion processing. Presented at the, One-Day Seminar on Extrusion of Aqua Feed Using Soy. Organized by World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH). University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore, Pakistan. Nov. 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Challenges and Opportunities for Pakistani Poultry Industries for Halal Export. Presented at the 1st International Conference on Poultry Processing. Organized by the Dept. of Poultry Production, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan. Nov. 1‐2.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Harmonization of Halal Standards. How it can be done. Presented at the, Halal Audit Training Course Organized by the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA) and Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR). Lahore, Pakistan. Oct. 31.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Quality Parameters of Fill fat Soy Processing. Presented at the 2017 U.S. Soy in Poultry Feed Seminar – U.S. Soybean Processing. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council and All Pakistan Solvent Extractors Association. Hotel Ramada Plaza, Karachi – Pakistan. Oct. 6.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. An Overview of Soybean Processing. Presented at the 2017 U.S. Soy in Poultry Feed Seminar – U.S. Soybean Processing. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council and All Pakistan Solvent Extractors Association. Hotel Ramada Plaza, Karachi – Pakistan. Oct. 6.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Potential Hazards in Food; Ensuring the Concept of Tayyab in Food. Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Agriculture, food and Animal Sciences (ICAFAS 2017). Organized by Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Sindh‐ Pakistan January 10‐11

Riaz, M. N. 2016.  Global Halal Economy and Halal Branding Beyond Just Food? Presented at the International Conference on Halal Foods. Theme: Development of Halal Industry and Government Regulations in Pakistan ‐ The Way Forward; Emphasis on Halal Food, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics. PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore, Pakistan, Feb. 22.

Riaz, M. N. 2016.  Global Halal Economy and Halal Branding Beyond Just Food? Presented at the International Conference on Halal Foods. Theme: Development of Halal Industry and Government Regulations in Pakistan ‐ The Way Forward; Emphasis on Halal Food, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics. Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry, (FPCCI), Clifton, Karachi, Pakistan, Feb. 18.

Riaz, M. N. 2016.  Global Halal Economy and Halal Branding Beyond Just Food? Presented at the International Conference on Halal Foods. Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics.  Institute of Home and Food Sciences. Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan, Feb. 16.

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Challenges and opportunities in halal certification. Presented at the One-day training workshop on Halal foods. Organized by PCSIR Laboratories, Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America and Pakistan Society of Food Scientists and Technologists, Lahore, Pakistan Sep. 1.

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Value Addition to Fruit and Vegetables in Pakistan. Presented at the Two days International Seminar Technical Issues and Challenges to the Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industries in Pakistan and Their Synoptic Solutions. Organized by Institute of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Sargodha, Pakistan Aug. 26‐27.

Riaz, M. N.  2014. Value Addition to Fruit and Vegetables in Pakistan. Presented at the International Seminar on Post‐Harvest Technology and Processing of Fruit and Vegetables. Organized by Institute of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Sargodha, Pakistan Nov. 17‐18.

Riaz, M. N.     2014. Strengthening the Halal Food Model. Presented the special seminar organized by the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Lahore, Pakistan. Feb. 10.

Riaz, M. N.     2014. Extrusion a processing tool for food and feed applications. Presented at the Food Science, Nutrition and Home Economics faculties, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Feb 7.

Riaz, M. N.     2012. Benefits of Halal Certification and its value to the Food Industries. Presented at Two Days Training Workshop on Halal Food Management. Organized by the Halal Research Council, and National Institute Food Science and Technology. Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore Pakistan. June 4-5.

Riaz, M. N.     2012. Hidden Ingredients in Halal Foods. Presented at Two Days Training Workshop on Halal Food Management. Organized by the Halal Research Council, and National Institute Food Science and Technology. Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore Pakistan. June 4-5.

Riaz, M. N.     2012. Need for Halal Awareness Education. Presented at Two Days Training Workshop on Halal Food Management. Organized by the Halal Research Council, and National Institute Food Science and Technology. Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore Pakistan. June 4-5.

Riaz, M. N.     2011. Halal – The Emerging International Food Safety and Quality Standards: Similarities between Halal and HACCP. Presented at the International Conference on Emerging Issues on Food Safety. National Institute of Food Science & Technology, University of Agriculture of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Nov. 15.

Riaz, M. N.     2010.  Decoding Pharmaceuticals as per Halal Requirements.  Presented at the Global Halal Congress. Organized by the Halal Development Council, Marriott, Karachi, Pakistan. Dec. 4.

Riaz, M. N.     2010.  Halal Food Awareness and Demand.  Presented at the Global Halal Congress. Organized by the Halal Development Council, Marriott, Karachi, Pakistan. Dec. 4. 

Riaz, M. N.     2010.  How to get Halal Certification: General Guidelines and Rules. Presented at the Lahore Chapter of All Pakistan Food Scientist and Technologist (PSFST) Meeting. Cavalry Ground KFC, Lahore, Pakistan June 5.

Riaz, M. N.     2010. Issues and challenges in Halal Pharmaceutical and Nutritional Supplements. Presented at the International Conference on Recent Advances in Human Nutrition with Special Reference to Vulnerable Group. National Institute of Food Science & Technology, University of Agriculture of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Feb.24.

Riaz, M. N.     2009.  Consumer Perception of Halal through Labels and Media Reports Presented at the International Workshop on Halal Food Issues and Ingredients Concerns. Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Lahore, Pakistan, June 29.

Riaz, M. N.     2008. Raw Material Specification for Expanded Snacks – Presented at the International Training Workshop on extrusion Technology. Organized by Food Protein R&D Center Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, USA, & National Institute of Food Science and Technology University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, Aug. 15.

Riaz, M. N.     2008. Production of Snack Food Pellet using Extrusion Technology – Presented at the International Training Workshop on extrusion Technology. Organized by Food Protein R&D Center Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, USA, & National Institute of Food Science and Technology University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, Aug. 16.

Riaz, M. N.     2008.  Raw Material properties for Soy Based Textured Proteins and Production of Different types of TVP using Extruder – Presented at the International Training Workshop on extrusion Technology. Organized by Food Protein R&D Center Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, USA, & National Institute of Food Science and Technology University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, Aug. 16.

Riaz, M. N.     2008.  Different Types of Extruders and their Role in Food and Feed Industry – Presented at the International Training Workshop on extrusion Technology. Organized by Food Protein R&D Center Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, USA, & National Institute of Food Science and Technology University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, Aug. 16.

Riaz, M. N.     2008. Extruder’s Application for Oilseed Crop (Full fat soy, Cottonseed, etc) – Presented at the International Training Workshop on extrusion Technology. Organized by Food Protein R&D Center Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, USA, & National Institute of Food Science and Technology University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, Aug. 17.

Riaz, M. N.     2008. Extrusion of Aquatic Feed- – Presented at the International Training Workshop on extrusion Technology. Organized by Food Protein R&D Center Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, USA, & National Institute of Food Science and Technology University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, Aug. 17.

Riaz, M. N.      2008. How to Make Floating and Sinking Feed using Extrusion Technology – Presented at the International Training Workshop on extrusion Technology. Organized by Food Protein R&D Center Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, USA, & National Institute of Food Science and Technology University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, Aug. 17.

Riaz, M. N.      2008. HALAL- The Emerging International Food Safety Standard” Presented at the International Food Safety Conference 2008; Safe Food: Standardizing Food Quality & Delivery, Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi, Pakistan, June 5.

Riaz, M. N. , Anjum, F. M., and Khan, M. I. 2007. Latest Trends in Food Processing Using Extrusion Technology. Presented at the International Symposium on Emerging Trends in Food Science and Technology, National Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan Nov. 6.

Riaz, M. N.     2007. Soy Extrusion and its Application in Foods. Presented at National Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan June 20.

Anjum, F. M., Khan, M. I. and Riaz, M. N.     2007. Prospectus of Extrusion Technology in Pakistan. 1st National Workshop on Food Processing Challenges and Opportunities in Pakistan, Mehran University Jamshoroo, Pakistan.  April 23-25

Riaz, M. N.     and Anjum, F. M. 2007. Fundamentals of Extrusion Technology and Opportunities for the Feed Industries in Asia. International Nutrition Conference, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan Feb. 23-24.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. Prospects of Extrusion Technology in Pakistan (Special Lecture). Presented at “The National Workshop on Iron Fortification of Wheat Flour in Connection with Centenary Celebrations of UAF”. University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. June. 3.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. Extrusion of 3-G Snacks and Raw Material Properties. Presented at the Dept. of Food Science and Technology.  Karachi University, Karachi, Jan. 6.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. Soy Based Extruded Products. Presented at the Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Karachi University, Karachi, Jan. 6.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. Different Types of Extruders. Presented at the Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Karachi University, Karachi, Jan. 5.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. Extrusion Technology and Its Applications. Presented at the Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Karachi University, Karachi, Jan. 5.

Riaz, M. N.     2005. Are we eating Halal Foods?  Presented at the “International Food and Beverage Conference”, Ambassador Hotel. Lahore, Pakistan. Oct. 3.

Riaz, M. N.     2005. Functional Foods for Health. Presented at the “International Food and Beverage Conference”, Ambassador Hotel. Lahore, Pakistan. Oct. 3.

Riaz, M. N.     2005. Benefits of Using Expander in Solvent Extraction of Soybeans and Other Oilseed Crops. Presented at Regional Oilseed Conference, Organized by All Pakistan Solvent Extraction Association, Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore, Pakistan Feb. 26, 2005.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Application of Extruders in Food and Feed Industries. Presented at the Seminar “Application of Extruders in Feed Industries. Sheraton Hotel, Karachi, Pakistan. Dec. 17.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Application of Extruders in Food and Feed Industries. Presented at the Seminar “Application of Extruders in Feed Industries. Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore, Pakistan. Dec. 16.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Uses and Application of Textured Soy Protein.  Presented at the Seminar “Soy Food Manufacturing & Applications: Its Nutritional & Health Benefits. P.C.S.I.R. Lab. Lahore, Pakistan. Dec. 15.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Application of extruders in food and feed industries. Presented at the Seminar organized by the Nutritionist Association of Pakistan, Univ. of Veterinary and Animal Science, Lahore, Pakistan, Jan. 2nd.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. What is TVP? Its benefits and uses. Presented at the Seminar on Health Benefits of Soybeans and Its Utilization. Organized by USDA and ASA, Avari Hotel, Karachi, Pakistan, Dec. 30.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Application of extruders in food and feed industries. Presented at the Seminar in Health Benefits of Soybeans, Dept. of Food Science and Tech. University of Karachi, Pakistan. Dec. 29.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Processing of soybeans as functional food. Presented at the Health Benefits of Soybean and Soy Oil Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Pakistan, Sheraton Hotel, Karachi, Pakistan, July 26.

Riaz, M. N.     2000. Role of extruders in aquatic feed. Presented at Fisheries Research & Training Institute, Lahore. Pakistan. Dec. 4.

Riaz, M. N.     2000. Extrusion technology in aquatic feed. Presented at Pakistan Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (PCSIR) Labs. Complex, Lahore, Pakistan Nov. 27.

Riaz, M. N.     2000. Are we eating Halal foods? Presented at 2nd International Science Conference, Science International, Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Oct. 26-28.

Riaz, M. N.     1998. Extrusion of farm waste: Utilization of by-products for feeds. International Symposium on Agro-Environmental Issues and Future strategies: Towards 21st Century, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan; May 25-30.

Riaz, M. N.     and Lusas, E. W. 1997. Development of a new process for texturization of soybeans using low-cost extruders.  Presented at 3rd International Conference on Impact of Food Research on New Product Developments. University of Karachi, Pakistan, March 2-6.

Riaz, M. N.     1995. Application of extrusion technology in food industries. Presented at 6th Annual Meeting of the Pakistan Society of Food Scientists & Technologists. Lahore, Pakistan. December 20.


Riaz, M. N. 2023. Principles of Aqua feed Extrusion. Presented at the seminar organized by C. J Feed. San Rafael, Bulacan, Philippine, Feb. 28

Riaz, M. N. 2023. Extrusion of Pet Food. Presented at the seminar organized by C. J Feed. San Rafael, Bulacan, Philippine, Feb. 28

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Principles of Aqua Feed Extrusion. Presented at in house seminar HOC Po Feeds Corp.  Guiguinto, Bulacan, Philippine. July 19. 

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Principles of Aqua Feed Extrusion. Presented at in house seminar UNAHCO Feeds Inc. Bocaue, Bulacan, Philippine. July 18. 

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Pet Food Processing Technology. Feed Technology and Animal Nutrition Conference, Hilton, Manila. Philippine. Hybrid Event. Zoom. May 25

Riaz, M. N. 2021.  Technology Comparison in full Fat Soy Production, Quality and Economics. Presented at the USSEC SEA Technical Broadcost Series 2021.  Online- Philippines. July 14.

Riaz, M. N. 2021.  Aquaculture Fish Feed Extrusion Technology – Considerations in Making Marine Fish Feed – Slowing Sinking Feed.  Presented at the USSEC Marine Fish Feed Nutrition and Feedmill Extrusion Workshop- Online- Philippines. June 10.

Riaz, M. N. 2021. Feedmill ingredient risk management/cost savings and Relationship between ingredients, recipe, and manufacturing.  Presented at S.E. Asia Aquaculture Feed Extrusion and Feedmilling Workshop, Online- Philippine. March 30.

Riaz, M. N. 2021. General Extrusion Techniques for Fish and Shrimps Feeds and Importance of Correct Machinery in Aqua feed Production. Presented at S.E. Asia Aquaculture Feed Extrusion and Feedmilling Workshop, Online- Philippine. March 30.

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Full fat Soy Production and Processing; Pros & Cons. Presented at the USSEC Southeast Asia Technical Broadcast Series, Organized by US Soybean Export council. Philippines. Oct. 13.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Full fat Soy Production Technology: Extrusion and Other Process. Presented at the Feed Technology, Extrusion, Animal Nutrition and Quality Assurance Seminar. UNAHCO, Pasig City, Philippine. July 5.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Full fat Soy Production Technology: Extrusion and Other Process. Presented at the Feed Technology, Extrusion and Quality Assurance Seminar. Crowne Plaza, Galleria, Manila. Philippine. July 4.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Quality Control Application for Full Fat Soy: During and after Production. Presented at the Quality Assurance Seminar. ABAIL Quezon City, Philippine. July 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Do’s and Don ‘ts in Extruder Plant Installation: Trouble Shooting Extruding Full Fat Soy. Presented at the Extrusion & Feed Technology Seminar/Workshop. Seda Abreeza Davao, Philippine. July 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. U.S. Soybeans in Full Fat Soy Production: Extrusion & Other Process. Presented at the Extrusion & Feed Technology Seminar/Workshop. Seda Abreeza Davao, Philippine. July 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Raw Materials Properties for Aqua Feed Extrusion. Presented at the Aqua Feed Seminar. Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria, Quezon City, Philippine. April 1.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Aqua Feed Production by Extrusion/Principles of Extrusion Technology for improving quality of extruded aquaculture feed. Presented at the Aqua Feed Seminar. Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria, Quezon City, Philippine. April 1.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. US Soybeans in Full fat Soy Production: Extrusion and Other Process. Maintaining Quality of Fill fat soybeans: Handling and Storage. Presented at the at the Full Fat Soybean Roadshow. US. Soybean Meal and Full fat Soybean: Best Choice for Poultry and Swine Feeds. San Miguel Preufoods, Inc, Manila Philippine, March 14. 

Riaz, M. N. Extrusion Process; Production & Quality Control of Full fat soybean Meal (FFSBM). Presented at the seminar in Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria, Quezon City, Philippine. Sep. 5th.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Full fat Soybean Processing with Extrusion Technology. Presented at the Marcela Farm & Feed mill, Tagbilaran, Philippine. Sep. 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Practical Trouble Shooting in Extrusion Process. Presented at the Feed Technology and Nutrition Workshop (FTNW) ‘Production, Utilization and Valuation of U.S. Soybean Meal & Full‐Fat SBM’, Crown Plaza Hotel, Ortigas Center, Manila, Philippines. Sep. 20

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Quality Control in FFSBM, Processing and Laboratory Analysis. Presented at the Feed Technology and Nutrition Workshop (FTNW) ‘Production, Utilization and Valuation of U.S. Soybean Meal & Full‐Fat SBM’, Crown Plaza Hotel, Ortigas Center, Manila, Philippines. Sep. 20

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Extrusion Process and Technologies: Application in raw Materials and Feed Production. Presented at the Feed Technology and Nutrition Workshop (FTNW) ‘Production, Utilization and Valuation of U.S. Soybean Meal & Full‐Fat SBM’, Crown Plaza Hotel, Ortigas Center, Manila, Philippines. Sep. 19.

Riaz, M. N.  2017.  Extrusion Process and Technologies: Application in raw Materials and Feed Production. Presented at the Livestock Expo. Pasay City, Philippines, May 25.

Riaz, M. N. 2017.  Practical Trouble shooting in extrusion Process.  Presented at the Extrusion Technology and Animal Nutrition Workshop (ETAN). Production, Utilization and Valuation of full fat Soybean Meal. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council, (USSEC), Southeast Region. Lima Park Hotel. Lima Technology Center, Batangas, Philippines, May 24

Riaz, M. N. 2017.  Quality Control in Full Fat Soybean Meal Processing and Laboratories Analyses. Presented at the Extrusion Technology and Animal Nutrition Workshop (ETAN). Production, Utilization and Valuation of full fat Soybean Meal. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council, (USSEC), Southeast Region. Lima Park Hotel. Lima Technology Center, Batangas, Philippines, May 24.

Riaz, M. N. 2017.  Extrusion Process and Technologies: Application in Raw Materials and feed Production. Presented at the, Extrusion Technology and Animal Nutrition Workshop (ETAN). Production, Utilization and Valuation of full fat Soybean Meal. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council, (USSEC), Southeast Region. Lima Park Hotel. Lima Technology Center, Batangas, Philippines, May 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2014. Aqua feed Extrusion Principles for Floating Feed. How to Make High Fat Feeds? Micro Aquatic Feeds. Presented at the seminar organized by the United Soybean Export Council. Crown Plaza, Manila, Philippines. April 10.

Riaz, M. N.     2005. Raw material properties for extruding fish feed via extruder.  Presented at the ACG Feed Mill, Manila, Philippines, May 16.


Riaz, M. N. 2021. Impact of Fat on Extruded Products in Terms of Expansion, Texture and Durability Presented at the Towards Sustainable Aquafeed Manufacturing Using Soy Protein Sources Conference. OnLine. Romania. Sep. 22-23

Riaz, M. N. 2021. Impact of Protein on Extruded Products in Terms of Expansion, Texture and Durability Presented at the Towards Sustainable Aquafeed Manufacturing Using Soy Protein Sources Conference. Online. Romania   Sep. 22-23

Riaz, M. N.  2017. How to Process Quality Feed Using Extrusion Technology? Extrusion A Processing Tool for Feed Industry – Feed Safety and Extrusion Processing. Presented at the 4th Annual Conference Titled “Fine Tuning In Feed Industry: Animal Nutrition, Feed Manufacturing And Management For Tomorrow Solutions”. Field Day at DSM Romania, Stefanesti, Ilfov, Romania, June 16

Riaz, M. N.  2017. How to Make floating and Sinking Feed Using Extrusion Technology. Presented at the 4th Annual Conference Titled “Fine Tuning In Feed Industry: Animal Nutrition, Feed Manufacturing And Management For Tomorrow Solutions”. Hotel Intercontinental. Bucharest, Romania, June 15

Riaz, M. N.     2013. Preconditioning of Raw Material for better Extrusion, Quality, and Productivity. Presented at the Full Fat Soybean Meal Processing, Quality Control and Usagbe in Poultry and Swin Nutrition Seminar. The Intercontinental Hotel, Bucharest, Romania. Nov. 15.

Riaz, M. N.     2013. Production of Extruded Feeds for Young Animals. Presented at the Full Fat Soybean Meal Processing, Quality Control and Usagbe in Poultry and Swin Nutrition Seminar. The Intercontinental Hotel, Bucharest, Romania. Nov. 15.

Riaz, M. N.     2013. Extrusion of By Products for Animal Feeding. Presented at the Full Fat Soybean Meal Processing, Quality Control and Usagbe in Poultry and Swin Nutrition Seminar. The Intercontinental Hotel, Bucharest, Romania. Nov. 15.

Riaz, M. N.     2013. Introduction to Extrusion Technology. Presented at the Full Fat Soybean Meal Processing, Quality Control and Usagbe in Poultry and Swin Nutrition Seminar. The Intercontinental Hotel, Bucharest, Romania. Nov. 14.

Riaz, M. N.     2013. Production of Fill fat Soybean Meal with Different types of Extruders. Presented at the Full Fat Soybean Meal Processing, Quality Control and Usagbe in Poultry and Swin Nutrition Seminar. The Intercontinental Hotel, Bucharest, Romania. Nov. 14.

Riaz, M. N.     2005. Different Raw Materials and By-Product Extrusion. Presented at the “Extrusion Technology in the Feed Industry Seminar. New Montanan Hotel, Sinaia, Romania. July 29.

Riaz, M. N.     2005. Extrusion Processing for Feed (Swine and Fish). Presented at the “Extrusion Technology in the Feed Industry Seminar. New Montanan Hotel, Sinaia, Romania. July 29.

Riaz, M. N.     2005.  Dry Extrusion for Soy Processing to Obtain High Quality FFSBM. Presented at the “Extrusion Technology in the Feed Industry Seminar. New Montanan Hotel, Sinaia, Romania. July 28.

Riaz, M. N.     2005.  Available Technologies to produce Full Fat Soybean Meal. Presented at the “Extrusion Technology in the Feed Industry Seminar. New Montanan Hotel, Sinaia, Romania. July 28.

Riaz, M. N.     2005. Quality control during extrusion of full fat soy and fish feed extrusion. Presented at the Seminar in Roman City, Romania. Nov. 17.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Soy food production, nutrition and opportunities.  Presented at the Soy –Technologies and Products in Food and Feed Industries”. Organized by the American Soybean Association, Romania, Marriott Hotel, Bucharest, Romania, August 15.


Riaz, M. N. 2021. Current Market Trends and Technologies for the Production of Meat Analogues and Vegetable Meat. Presented at the International Business Forum, World Soy VI. Organized by Sfera Events. St. Peterburg.  Online. Russia. May 26-27.

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Role of Extrusion Technology in Feed Industries. Presented at the Live Online Conference Cattle, Pig farming, and Poultry. Organized by Sfera Events. Russia, Sep. 8-11.

Riaz, M. N. 2015.   Production of Texturized Soy Proteins. Presented at the Seminar at JSC “Viadi Ingredients, Razvitie St. Petersburg, Russia, April 20.

Riaz, M. N. 2011. Production of Texturized Vegetable Proteins via Extrusion Technology. Presented at the. Soy Food Seminar at JSC “Viadi Ingredients, St. Petersburg, Russia, April 21.

Riaz, M. N. 2011. Extrusion ‐ A Processing Tool For Texturized Soy Protein. Presented at the. Soy Food Seminar at JSC “Viadi Ingredients, St. Petersburg, Russia, April 21.

Riaz, M. N.     2011.  Production of Texturized Vegetable Proteins via Extrusion Technology. Presented at the Soy Food Seminar at JSC Viadi Ingredients, St. Petersburg, Russia, April 21.

Riaz, M. N.     2011.  Extrusion – A Processing Tool for Texturized Soy Protein. Presented at the Soy Food Seminar at JSC Viadi Ingredients, St. Petersburg, Russia, April 21.

Riaz, M. N.     2009.  Extrusion: A Processing Tool for Texturized Soy Protein. Presented at the. Soy Food Seminar at Atlantis-Pak, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, March 19.

Riaz, M. N.     2009.  Production of Texturized Vegetable Proteins via Extrusion Technology. Presented at the. Soy Food Seminar at Atlantis-Pak, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, March 19.

Riaz, M. N.     2009.  Introduction and Principles of Extruder Processing for the Feed Industry (poultry, swine, cattle, etc). Presented at the 14th International Industrial Trade Fair: Cereal, Mixed Feed and Veterinary 2009. Moscow, Russia. Feb. 5.

Riaz, M. N.     2009.    Processing Soybeans Using Extruder to Make Full fat and Partially Defatted Soybean Meal for the Feed Industry (poultry, swine, cattle, etc). Presented at the 14th International Industrial Trade Fair: Cereal, Mixed Feed and Veterinary 2009. Moscow, Russia. Feb. 5.

Riaz, M. N.     2007. Modern Development and Trends in TVP production and Its U.S and World Market. Presented at the XXI Century Food Ingredients: 8th International Forum, Moscow, Russia, Dec. 4-7, 2007.

Saudi Arabia

Riaz, M. N. 2016. Extrusion Application for Food Products with examples.  Presented at the Extrusion Training Program, King Saud University, Food and Nutrition Dept. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. April 24.

Riaz, M. N. 2016. Extrusion Processing of Snack food and Breakfast Cereals.  Presented at the Extrusion Training Program, King Saud University, Food and Nutrition Dept. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. April 25.

Riaz, M. N.  2016. Different raw Material and their Properties for Extrusion.  Presented at the Extrusion Training Program, King Saud University, Food and Nutrition Dept. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. April 24.

Riaz, M. N. 2016.  Introduction and Principles of Extrusion.  Presented at the Extrusion Training Program, King Saud University, Food and Nutrition Dept. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. April 24.

Riaz, M. N. 2012. Control of Halal Food Additives. Presented at the 1st International Conference on Halal Food Control and Exhibition. Organized by the Saudi Food and Drug Administration (SFDA). InterContinental Hotel. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Feb. 13.


Riaz, M. N. 2018. High moisture Meat Analog (HMMA) with Pulse Proteins, Peas, Lentils and Faba Beans. Presented at the 4th International Congress “Food Technology a, quality and Safety. Food Tech Congress. Organized by the Institute of Food Technology, Novi Sad, Serbia. Oct. 23-25.

Riaz, M. N. 2012. Extrusion – A Novel Food Processing Tool. Presented at the 6th Central European Congress on Food (CEFood Congress) Organized by IUFoST, EFFoST and CEI. Novi Sad, Serbia. May 23‐26

Riaz, M. N. 2010. Role of Extruders in Food and Feed Industries. Presented at the Food to Feed, 2nd workshop. 14th International Food Technology Symposium. University of Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Novi Sad, Serbia. Oct. 19.

Riaz, M. N. 2010. Introduction of Food Protein R&D Center, Texas A&M University. . Presented at University of Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Novi Sad, Serbia. Oct. 18.

Riaz, M. N. 2007. Role of Extruder in Feed Industry. Presented at the 1st International congress on Food Technology, Quality and Safety. Nov. 13‐15. Novi Sad, Serbia.

Riaz, M. N. 2007. New soy food trends. Presented at the 1st International congress on Food Technology, Quality and Safety. Nov. 13‐15. Novi Sad, Serbia.


Riaz, M. N. 2020. Considerations in Shrimp Aqua Feed Extrusion Processing; Latest Technology and Processes. Presented at the USSEC Southeast Asia Technical Broadcast Series, Organized by US Soybean Export council. Singapore. Nov. 19.

Riaz, M. N. 2011. Up‐date on Discussion group for Marine fish. Presented at the Aquaculture Roundtable Series (TARS). Organized by Aqua Research Pte Ltd. Holiday Inn Atrium Hotel, Singapore.  Aug. 18.


Riaz, M. N.     2004. Fibrous Soy Protein Manufacturing and Its Uses.  Presented at Alfa Bio Slovakia Seminar. Zvolen, May 18.

South Africa

Riaz, M. N. 2022. New trends in Extrusion Processing – Quo Vadis. Presented at the ExtruAfrica 2022 Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 2-4.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Ensuring a Smooth-Running Extrusion Operation. Presented at the ExtruAfrica 2022 Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 2-4.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. High Moisture Extrusion Cooking (HMEC). Presented at the ExtruAfrica 2022 Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 2-4.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Processing of Snacks and Cereals – Presented at the ExtruAfrica 2022 Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 2-4.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Processing of Animal By-Products and other Food Waste with Extrusion Technology – Presented at the ExtruAfrica 2022 Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 2-4.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Processing of Soybeans with Extrusion and Expelling Technologies. Presented at the ExtruAfrica 2022 Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 2-4.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Extrusion Processing of Instant Porridges and Corn-Soy Blends. Presented at the ExtruAfrica 2022 Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 2-4.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Extrusion Processing of Aqua Feed and Pet Foods. Presented at the ExtruAfrica 2022 Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 2-4.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Texturization of Soy, Pulses and Legumes. Presented at the ExtruAfrica 2022 Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 2-4.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Single or Twin-Screw Extruder? Presented at the ExtruAfrica 2022 Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 2-4.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Raw Material Properties for Extrusion Processing, Presented at the ExtruAfrica 2022 Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 2-4.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Introduction and Principles of Extrusion. Presented at the ExtruAfrica 2022 Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 2-4.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. New Trends in Snack Processing and 3G Snacks. Presented at the ExtruAfrica2019 Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 30-Aug. 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Processing of animal by‐product and Other Food Waste with Extrusion Technology. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2019. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 30-Aug. 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Texturization of Pulses. Legumes and High Moisture Meat Analogs (HMMA). Presented at ExtruAfrica 2019. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 30-Aug. 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Extrusion Processing of Aqua Feed and Pet foods. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2019. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 30-Aug. 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Processing of Snack and Cereals. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2019. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 30-Aug. 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Raw Material Properties for extrusion Processing. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2019. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 30-Aug. 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. How to develop a new Product with Extrusion Technology. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2019. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 30-Aug. 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Extrusion of High Moisture Products. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2019. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa July 30-Aug. 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Extrusion Processing of TVP and Corn Soy Blends. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2019. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 30-Aug. 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Processing of Soybeans with Extrusion and Expelling Technologies. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2019. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa July 30-Aug. 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Single or Twin-Screw Extruder for Aqua feeds, Pet foods and Snacks. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2019. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 30-Aug. 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Introduction and Principles of Extrusion. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2019. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 30-Aug. 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Single or twin-screw Extruder for Aqua feed. Presented at the ExtruAfrica2018 Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 31-Aug. 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Ensuring a Smooth-Running Extrusion Operation. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2018. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 31-Aug. 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Extrusion Application for food Products. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2018. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 31-Aug. 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Texturization of Pulses, Legumes, and High Moisture Meat analog (HMMA). Presented at ExtruAfrica 2018. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 31-Aug. 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Food Safety and Extrusion Technology. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2018. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 31-Aug. 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. How to develop a New Product with extrusion Technology. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2018. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 31-Aug. 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Processing of Animal by-products and other food waste with extrusion technology. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2018. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 31-Aug. 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Extrusion Processing of TVP and Corn Soy Blend. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2018. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa July 31-Aug. 3

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Extrusion Processing of Aqua feed and Pet food. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2018. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 31-Aug. 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Processing of Soybeans with Extrusion and Expelling Technologies. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2018. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa July 31-Aug. 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Raw Material Properties for Extrusion Processing. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2018. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 31-Aug. 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Introduction and Principles of Extrusion. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2018. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. July 31-Aug. 3.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Latest World Trends in Extrusion Technologies and its Application. Presented at the 6th Annual ExtruAfrica Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 3‐4

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Food Safety and Extrusion Technology. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2017. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug.1‐2.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. How to develop a new product with extrusion technology. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2017. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug.1‐2.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Processing of animal by‐product and Other Food Waste with Extrusion technology. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2017. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug.1‐2.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Extrusion processing of TVP and corn soy blends. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2017. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug.1‐2.

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Extrusion processing of snack food and breakfast cereal. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2017. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 1‐2

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Extrusion processing of aqua feed and pet food. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2017. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 1‐2

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Processing of soybeans with extrusion and expelling technologies. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2015. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 1‐2

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Raw material properties for extrusion processing. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2017. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 1‐2

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Introduction and Principles of Extrusion. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2017. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 1‐2

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Latest Trends in Extrusion Product. Presented at the 5th Annual ExtruAfrica Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 6‐7

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Food safety and extrusion technology. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2015. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug.4‐5.

Riaz, M. N. 2015. How to develop a new product with extrusion technology. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2015. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug.4‐5.

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Processing of animal by‐product with extrusion technology. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2015. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug.4‐5.

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Extrusion processing of TVP and corn soy blends. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2015. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug.4‐5.

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Extrusion processing of snack food and breakfast cereal. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2015. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 4‐5.

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Extrusion processing of aqua feed and pet food. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2015. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 4‐5.

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Processing of soybeans with extrusion expelling technologies. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2015. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 4‐5.

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Raw material properties for extrusion processing. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2015. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 4‐5

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Introduction to Extrusion. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2015. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 4‐5

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Latest Trends in Extrusion Product. Presented at the 4th Annual ExtruAfrica Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 7‐8

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Food Safety for the extrusion processor. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2014. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 5‐6

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Extrusion processing Plant Quality Control and Product development. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2014. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 5‐6.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Different Raw Material and their Effect on the Extrusion Process. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2014. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 5‐6.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Extrusion processing of Food Products, including snacks, breakfast cereals, confectionary products etc. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2014. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 5‐6.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Single and Twin-Screw Extruders and their Application in Food and Feed Extrusion. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2014. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐ West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 5‐6.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Introduction to Extrusion. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2014. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). The Roots Lifestyle Center, Potchefstroom, South Africa. Aug. 5‐6

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Food Safety for the Extrusion Processor. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2013, International ExtruAfrica Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐ West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa Aug. 1‐2.

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Extrusion Beneficiation. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2013, International ExtruAfrica Conference. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa Aug. 1‐2.

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Extrusion Processing plant quality control and product development. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2013. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 30‐31

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Extrusion Processing of Feed and Pet Food Products. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2013. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 30‐31

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Extrusion Processing of Food Products, including snacks, breakfast cereals, confectionary products, etc. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2013. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 30‐31

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Extrusion Processing of various soy based products, including full fat soy, textured protein products and corn‐soy blends. . Presented at ExtruAfrica 2013. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 30‐31

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Single and twin-screw extruders and their application in food and feed industry. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2013. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐ West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 30‐31

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Processing and preconditioning for extrusion of raw materials. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2013. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 30‐31.

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Different raw materials and their effect on the extrusion process. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2013. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 30‐31.

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Introduction to Extrusion. . Presented at ExtruAfrica 2013. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 30‐31

Riaz, M.  N.  2013.  Extrusion a Processing Tool for Variety of Foods and Feeds.  Presented at ExtruAfrica Extrusion Processing of Soybean Workshop. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Olive Convention Center, Durban, South Africa, Feb. 20.

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Application of TVP in Food and Vegetarian Dishes. Presented at ExtruAfrica Extrusion Processing of Soybean Workshop. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Olive Convention Center, Durban, South Africa, Feb. 20.

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Processing of Soybean with Extrusion Technology for Food and Feed Application. Presented at the World Soybean Research Conference IX. Durban International Convention Center, Durban, South Africa, Feb. 19.

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Different Types of Textured Vegetable Protein. Presented at ExtruAfrica Extrusion Processing of Soybean Workshop. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐ West University (NWU). Olive Convention Center, Durban, South Africa, Feb. 19.

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Processing of TVP with Extrusion Technology. Presented at ExtruAfrica Extrusion Processing of Soybean Workshop. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐ West University (NWU). Olive Convention Center, Durban, South Africa, Feb. 19.

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Raw Material for Texturized Vegetable Protein. Presented at ExtruAfrica Extrusion Processing of Soybean Workshop. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Olive Convention Center, Durban, South Africa, Feb. 19.

Riaz, M. N. 2013. Introduction to Extrusion. Presented at ExtruAfrica Extrusion Processing of Soybean Workshop. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at  the North‐West University (NWU). Olive Convention Center, Durban, South Africa, Feb. 19.

Riaz, M. N. 2012. A global perspective on new developments in extrusion. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2012, International Conference on “A Global Perspective on Food and Feed Extrusion for Africa”. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 31‐Aug. 3

Riaz, M. N. 2012. Other commercial applications of extrusion. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2012. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 31‐Aug. 3

Riaz, M. N. 2012. Single and twin-screw extruders and their application in feed, pet food and aquatic feed and food. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2012. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 31‐Aug. 3

Riaz, M. N. 2012. Application of different extruded textured protein products. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2012. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 31‐Aug. 3

Riaz, M. N. 2012. Extrusion Applications for Feeds, Aquaculture and Pet Foods. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2012. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 31‐Aug. 3

Riaz, M. N. 2012. Raw Material Processing and Preconditioning. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2012. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 31‐Aug. 3

Riaz, M. N. 2012. Starch and Protein Changes during Processing: Ingredient functionality. . Presented at ExtruAfrica 2012. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 31‐Aug. 3

Riaz, M. N. 2012. Raw Materials for Extrusion Processing. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2012. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 31‐Aug. 3

Riaz, M. N. 2012. Introduction to Extrusion. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2012. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga. South Africa July 31‐Aug. 3

Riaz, M. N. 2011. Optimizing Feed Quality. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2011. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Zebula Country Estate, Bela‐Bela, South Africa March 29‐ April 1.

Riaz, M. N. 2011. Other Commercial Applications of Extrusion. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2011. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Zebula Country Estate, Bela‐Bela, South Africa March 29‐ April 1.

Riaz, M. N. 2011. Processing of Soy. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2011. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU).  Zebula Country Estate, Bela‐Bela, South Africa March 29‐ April 1.

Riaz, M. N. 2011. Extrusion Extrusion Applications for Feeds, Aquaculture and Pet Foods. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2011. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Zebula Country Estate, Bela‐Bela, South Africa March 29‐ April 1.

Riaz, M. N. 2011. Applications of Different Extruded Textured Protein Products. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2011 Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Zebula Country Estate, Bela‐Bela, South Africa March 29‐ April 1.

Riaz, M. N. 2011. Raw Materials and Their Properties for Extruded Cereals. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2011. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Zebula Country Estate, Bela‐Bela, South Africa March 29‐ April 1.

Riaz, M. N. 2011. Extrusion Applications for Grain‐Based Food Products and Snacks. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2011. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Zebula Country Estate, Bela‐Bela, South Africa March 29‐ April 1

Riaz, M. N. 2011. Introduction to Extrusion. Presented at ExtruAfrica 2011. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North‐West University (NWU). Zebula Country Estate, Bela‐Bela, South Africa March 29‐ April 1.

Riaz, M. N. 2006. Different Types of TVP, Their Selection and Economics. Presented at the WISHH Workshop “How to provide Nutritional and Affordable Foods to an Ever-Increasing Population with Dry, Blended and Extruded Soy Products” Pretoria, South Africa. Sep. 21.

Riaz, M. N. 2006. Low-Cost Extrusion‐Expelling Technology. Presented at the WISHH Workshop “How to provide Nutritional and Affordable Foods to an Ever-Increasing Population with Dry, Blended and Extruded Soy Products” Pretoria, South Africa. Sep. 20.

Riaz, M. N. 2006. Soybean Processing into Ingredients. Presented at the WISHH Workshop “How to provide Nutritional and Affordable Foods to an Ever-Increasing Population with Dry, Blended and Extruded Soy Products” Pretoria, South Africa. Sep. 19.

Riaz, M. N. 2002. Soy ingredients processing techniques to produce quality soy products. Presented at the 4th International Soy Conference. Organized by Southern African Soyfood Association, ASA and USB. Gallagher Estate, Midrand, South Africa. July 17.

Riaz, M. N. 2002. Textured soy in meat products. Presented at the 4th International Soy Conference. Organized by Southern African Soyfood Association, ASA and USB. Gallagher Estate, Midrand, South Africa. July 17.

Riaz, M. N. 2001. Production of texturized vegetable proteins (Extrusion/Expelling). Presented at Third International Soy Conference. Gallagher Estate, Midrand, Johannsburg, South Africa. Aug.21.

Sri Lanka

Riaz, M. N. 2023 Design, Assembly and Maintenance of Extruder & Expeller. Presented Virtually at the Full Fat Soybean Meal Production workshop, Fairfield Marriott, Colombo, Sri Lanka, March 13.

Riaz, M. N. 2023 Quality Control Application for Full Fat Soy: During and After Production. Presented Virtually at the Full Fat Soybean Meal Production workshop, Fairfield Marriott, Colombo, Sri Lanka, March 13

Riaz, M. N. 2023 Introduction to Expeller Press Technology. Presented Virtually at the Full Fat Soybean Meal Production workshop, Fairfield Marriott, Colombo, Sri Lanka, March 13.

Riaz, M. N. 2023 Introduction to Full Fat Soy Meal Production Technology. Presented Virtually at the Full Fat Soybean Meal Production workshop, Fairfield Marriott, Colombo, Sri Lanka, March 13.

Riaz, M. N. 2022.  Using Soy Concentrate and Isolate in Cereals. Presented at the Snack Food Webinar. Organized by World Inittiative for Soy on Human Health, Sri Lanka, Feb. 16.

Riaz, M. N. 2021.  Food safety, Hygiene and microbiology for food extrusion. Presented at the Extrusion Applications for Food Processing Webinar. Organized by World Inittiative for Soy on Human Health, Sri Lanka, Jan. 5th

Riaz, M. N. 2021.  Thermal Processing of Snack Products. Presented at the Extrusion Applications for Food Processing Webinar. Organized by World Inittiative for Soy on Human Health, Sri Lanka, Jan. 5t

Riaz, M. N. 2021.  Principles of die design. Presented at the Extrusion Applications for Food Processing Webinar. Organized by World Inittiative for Soy on Human Health, Sri Lanka, Jan. 5t

Riaz, M. N. 2021.  Extruders in Snack Food Processing. Presented at the Extrusion Applications for Food Processing Webinar. Organized by World Inittiative for Soy on Human Health, Sri Lanka, Jan. 4th

Riaz, M. N. 2021.  Single and twin extruders for Food extrusion. Presented at the Extrusion Applications for Food Processing Webinar. Organized by World Inittiative for Soy on Human Health, Sri Lanka, Jan. 4th 

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Snack Food Processing using Extrusion Technologies Presented at the Live Online Webinar Organized by WISHH, Sri Lanka. Sep. 21.


Riaz, M. N.     1999. Extrusion technology program at Food Protein Research & Development Center, Texas A& M University. Presented at Buhler AG. Uzwil, Switzerland. June, 14.


Riaz, M. N. 2013. Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements for Emerging New Halal Market. Presented at the International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods. Howard Civil Service International House, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 7.


Riaz, M. N. 2023. How to Select an Extruder for Making Aqua Feed. 7th Annual Aquafeed Extrusion Conference. Organized by Internatioal Aqua Feed Magazine, Texas A&M University and VIV. IMPACT Arena, Bangkok, Thailand, March 7. 

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Principles of Aqua Feed Extrusion and Trouble Shooting. Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queens’s Park. Manila Thailand. July 25

Riaz, M. N. 2021. New Halal Standards on Gelatin and Food Additives, presented at the the 7th International Halal Standard and Certification Convention (IHSACC), Organized and Hosted by Central Islamic Council of Thailand, Halal Standard Institute of Thailand, and Halal Science Centre of Chulalongkorn University in cooperation with Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries.The Virtual Conference Bangkok, Thailand. Dec. 14-15

Riaz, M. N. 2021. General Extrusion Techniques for Fish and Shrimps Feeds and Importance of Correct Machinery in Aqua feed Production. Presented at the USSEC Thailand Feed Mill Webinar. Online- Thailand. May 20.

Riaz, M. N. 2020.  Role of Science in Halal Food Production and Certification. Presented at the Thailand Halal Assembly 2020. Halal Sphere: Ecologic-Economic Equity Concept of Halal. Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 22-23.

Riaz, M. N. 2020. How to Produce Best Feed for Different Fish Species using Extrusion Technology. Presented at the International online Seminar, Organized by US Soybean Export council. Bangkok. Sep.30th.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. U.S. Soybeans in Full fat Soy Production: Extrusion & Other Process. Maintaining Quality of Full fat soybeans: Handling and Storage. Presented at the U.S. Soy Nutrition & Feed Formulation Workshops; Full fat Soybean Roadshow U.S. Soybean Meal & Full fat Soybeans: Best Choice for Poultry and Swine Feeds, Grande Center Point Terminal 21 Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, March 18

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Raw Material Properties for Aqua Feed Extrusion. Presented at the Aqua Feed Extrusion Conference. At VIV Asia 2019. Bangkok, Thailand, March 13. 

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Introduction and Principles of Extrusion Technology. Presented at the Aqua Feed Extrusion Conference. At VIV Asia 2019. Bangkok, Thailand, March 13. 

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Halal Critical Points for Drugs, Vitamins and cosmetics Products. Presented at the International Halal Science and Technology Conference (IHSATEC). The 11th Halal Science Industry and Business (HASIB). Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 14-16.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Trouble Shooting in Full fat Soybean Meal Production. Presented at Southeast Asia Feed Technology & Animal Nutrition Conferee 2018. Pullman Phuket Arcadia Naithon Beach, Phuket, Thailand, May 28- June 1.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Quality Control in full Fat Soybean Meal Processing and Laboratory Analyses. Presented at Southeast Asia Feed Technology & Animal Nutrition Conferee 2018. Pullman Phuket Arcadia Naithon Beach, Phuket, Thailand, May 28- June 1.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Extrusion Process and Technologies. Presented at Southeast Asia Feed Technology & Animal Nutrition Conferee 2018. Pullman Phuket Arcadia Naithon Beach, Phuket, Thailand, June 1.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Adding Value and Improving Quality of Rice and Flour Milling By‐Product by Extrusion Technology. Presented at the, GRAPAS Conference. Organized Milling and Grain at the VICTAM 2018. Bangkok, Thailand, March 27.

Upadhyaya, I.; Arsi, K.; Donoghue, A. M. Coon, C. N. Schlumbohm, M. Riaz, M. N. Farnell, M. B. Upadhyay, A, Davis, A. J. and Donoghue, D. J. 2018. Dry extrusion of Asian carp fish to supplement natural methionine in organic poultry: potential use in sustainable agricultural systems. Presented at 20th Int. Conference on Sustainable Livestock production Systems (ICSLPS), Phuket, Thailand, March 8‐9.

Riaz, M. N. 2016. Trouble shooting in Full‐fat Soybean Meal Production. Presented at the S.E. Asia Animal Nutrition & Feed Technology Workshop – Utilization and Valuation of full fat Soybean Meal. Bangkok Marriott Hotel Sukhumvit. Bangkok, Thailand, Sep. 27‐29

Riaz, M. N.  2016.  Quality Control in Full‐fat Soybean Meal Processing and Laboratory Analyses. Presented at the S.E. Asia Animal Nutrition & Feed Technology Workshop – Utilization and Valuation of full fat Soybean Meal.  Bangkok Marriott Hotel Sukhumvit. Bangkok, Thailand, Sep. 27‐29.

Riaz, M. N. 2016. Extrusion Process & Technologies (Application in Raw Materials and Feed Production). Presented at the S.E. Asia Animal Nutrition & Feed Technology Workshop – Utilization and Valuation of full fat Soybean Meal. Bangkok Marriott Hotel Sukhumvit. Bangkok, Thailand, Sep. 27‐29.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Extrusion technology for processing cereals.  Presented at the 3rd Grapas Asia Conference (A conference for the rice, flour, cereal and oilseeds sectors). Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center, Bangkok, Thailand. April 8.

Riaz, M. N.     2013. New Development in Shrimp and Fish Feed Extrusion. Presented at The DSM Aquaculture Conference Asia Pacific. The Landmark, Bangkok, Thailand. Nov. 22.

Riaz, M. N.     2012. Halal logo as powerful tools for Halal trade and business promotion. Presented at the HASIB 2012 Halal Science, Industry and Business International Conference 2012. Organized by the Halal Science Center, Chulalongkorn University, at Hansa JB Hotel, Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand. Oct. 13-15.

Riaz, M. N.     2012. Processing of Full Fat Soy with Different extruders. Presented at the Extrusion Workshop. Organized by American Soybean Association, International Marketing. Millennium Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. March 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2012. Introduction to Extrusion Technology. Presented at the Extrusion Workshop. Organized by American Soybean Association, International Marketing. Millennium Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. March 22.

Riaz, M. N.     2011. Introduction of Food Protein R&D Center, Texas A&M University. . Presented at Institute of Food Research and Product Development, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. March 7.

Riaz, M. N.     2007. Processing Full Fat Soy for Maximum Quality. Presented at VIV Asia Conference. “Processing and Use of Soybean Products”. March 7.  BITEC Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand.

Riaz, M. N.     2007. Advances in Texturized Soy Protein (TSP) and Their Application in Food Industry – Presented at the 5th Southeast Asia Soyfood Seminar and Trade Show. “Science to Market – Opportunities in Asia”. Shangri- La Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, March 6.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. Making more profit with New Technologies for Aquafeed. Presented at the Aquafeed Production Technical Workshop “Optimize for Profit”. Aquafeed. com. Victam, Asia 2006. Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand, March 8.

Riaz, M. N.     2001. Diversity work of extruder in food Industry. Presented at Application of Soy in Food Product Seminar. Institute of Food Research and Product Development, Kasetsart University; Bangkok. Thailand, May 28.


Riaz, M. N.     2013. Extrusion as a Tool for the Production of Livestock Feeds. Presented at National Flour Mills, Port of Spain, Trinidad. Dec. 18.

Riaz, M. N.     2013. The Process of Extrusion – Details on what is the process of extrusion and how it works. Presented at National Flour Mills, Port of Spain, Trinidad. Dec. 18.

Riaz, M. N.     2013. Benefits of Using Mash, Pellet and Crumble or Extruded Feeds for Different Livestock Species. Presented at the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards. Port of Spain, Trinidad. Dec. 18.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Extrusion of Ground Provisions (yams, cassava etc.) for food application. Presented at the “The Essentials of Feed Milling and Manufacturing” seminar, Kapok Hotel, Port of Spain, Trinidad, April 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Pelleting. Presented at the “The Essentials of Feed Milling and Manufacturing” seminar, Kapok Hotel, Port of Spain, Trinidad, April 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Grain Storage (corn and soybean). Presented at the “The Essentials of Feed Milling and Manufacturing” seminar, Kapok Hotel, Port of Spain, Trinidad, April 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Evaluation of the quality of soybean meal for poultry, swine and aquaculture. Presented at the “The Essentials of Feed Milling and Manufacturing” seminar, Kapok Hotel, Port of Spain, Trinidad, April 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Production and quality parameters of soybean meal (full fat soy) for feed. Presented at the “The Essentials of Feed Milling and Manufacturing” seminar, Kapok Hotel, Port of Spain, Trinidad, April 23.


Riaz, M. N. 2020. Other uses of Extrusion Equipment (Pet Foods, Rendering, Corn and other Cereals). Presented at the “Update on Extrusion Technology & Nutrition Technical Live Online Webinar”. Organized by USSEC, Tunis, July 15-16.

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Extrusion Technology for Feed Processing (Different Process Methods, Advantages and Disadvantages of each process- Advantage of Extrusion. Presented at the “Update on Extrusion Technology & Nutrition Technical Live Online Webinar”. Organized by USSEC Tunis, July 15-16.

Riaz, M. N. 2016. Making Full fat Soybean extrusion technology and other application (aqua Feed and by‐ products). Presented at Medimix Feed Industry, Sfax, Tunisia   Aug. 17.

Riaz, M. N. 2002. Production and Application of textured soy products. Presented at the Soy Ingredients for Food Products Seminar. Organized by the American Soybean Association Europe and Maghrib. Hotel Golden Tulip Carthage Av de la Promenade La Marsa, Tunis, Dec. 17‐18.


Riaz, M. N. 2022. Halal Status of Meat Alternatives. Presented at the 8th World Halal Summit 2022- “For a Sustainable Trade: Explore All Aspects of the Growing Global Halal Industry Organized by Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries. Istanbul Expo Center (ICC), Istanbul Turkiye. Nov. 25.

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Interaction of Raw material (Protein, Starch and Fats) with Feed Manufacturing. Fish Nutrition Short Course and IAFFD Workshop; Swiss Hotel Grand Efes – Izmir. Turkey. May 26

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Trouble Shooting and Smooth Extrusion Running Operation for Aqua Feed. Fish Nutrition Short Course and IAFFD Workshop; Swiss Hotel Grand Efes – Izmir. Turkey. May 25

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Consideration in Making Slow Sinking Aqua Feed with Extrusion Technology. Fish Nutrition Short Course and IAFFD Workshop; Swiss Hotel Grand Efes – Izmir. Turkey. May 24

Riaz, M. N. 2021. Different Techniques for making Good Quality Sinking Aquatic Feed. Presented at the Seminar organized for Ozpekler Feed Company, Denzile, Turkey Nov. 29.

Riaz, M. N. 2021. How to make slow sinking feed and role of the preconditioner. Presented at the Seminar organized for   Abalioglu Balik ve Gida Urunleri A. S Feed Mill, Izmir, Turkey Nov. 27.

Riaz, M. N. 2021. Halal Cosmetics and Its Certification – Challenges and Guidelines. Presented at the 7th World Halal Summit 2021- Experience the Wasteless Life- organized by Discover Events in association with the Islamic Center for Development of Trade (ICDT) and the Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries (SMIIC). Istanbul Congress Center (ICC), Istanbul Turkey. Nov. 26

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Food Additives in Halal Food Production. Presented at the 6th World Halal Summit, “Halal for All: “Halal in All Aspects, From Production to Consumption.” Pullman Convention Center, Istanbul, Turkey, Dec. 21-23

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Issues and Concerns for Nutraceutical Products Regarding Their Halal Certification. Presented at the 5th World Halal Summit, “Halal for all Generations: Importance of Family and Youth.” Eurasia Show and Art Center, Istanbul, Turkey, Nov. 28 – 01 Dec.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Clean Meat, Opportunities, Challenges and Halal Status. Presented at the 6th OIC World Halal Summit, “Halal and Healthy Life. “Awareness and sustainability”. Eurasia Show and Art Center, Istanbul, Turkey, Nov. 29 – 02 Dec

Riaz, M. N.     2008.  Full Fat Soybean Production Using Extrusion Technology. Presented at the Extrusion Conference Hilton, Izmir, Turkey. June 13.

Riaz, M. N.     2008. Making Floating and Sinking Feed Using Extrusion Technology, Presented at the Extrusion Conference Hilton, Izmir, Turkey. June 12.

Riaz, M. N.     2008. Soy Based Oil Margarines, Production and Techniques. Presented at the TMMOB Bitkisel Yemeklik Yaglar Sempozyum Ve Sergisi. TMMOB Kimya Muchendisleri Odasi Adana, Turkey. May 9.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. TSP Economics and Health Benefits. Presented at the Soyfood Seminars and its Application. Hilton Izmir Hotel, Izmir, Turkey. July 28.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. TSP and Its Application. Presented at the Soyfood Seminars and its Application. Hilton Izmir Hotel, Izmir, Turkey. July 28.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. TSP Economics and Health Benefits. Presented at the Soyfood Seminars and its Application. Ankara Ickale Hotel, Ankara, Turkey. July 26.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. TSP and Its Application. Presented at the Soyfood Seminars and its Application. Ankara Ickale Hotel, Ankara, Turkey. July 26.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. TSP Economics and Health Benefits. Presented at the Soyfood Seminars and its Application. Hilton Kayseri Hotel, Kayseri, Turkey. July 24.

Riaz, M. N.     2006. TSP and Its Application. Presented at the Soyfood Seminars and its Application. Hilton Kayseri Hotel, Kayseri, Turkey. July 24.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Selection of textured soy protein, Ideal characteristics for economic application in food industry- Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at Soyfood Seminar & Workshop, Hilton Hotel, Izmir, Turkey. Dec. 1.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Selection of textured soy protein, Ideal characteristics for economic application in food industry- Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at Soyfood Seminar & Workshop, Hilton Hotel, Antalya, Turkey. Dec. 3.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Selection of textured soy protein, Ideal characteristics for economic application in food industry- Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at Soyfood Seminar & Workshop, Hilton Hotel, Konya, Turkey. Nov.29.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Types and forms of TSP. Presented at the “Soya Gidalari Semineri “Teksture Soya Proteinleri (Soya Eti ve Kiymasi) Yeni Firsatlar” Hilton Hotel, Izmir, Turkey. Aug 20.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Economic Advantages and Uses of TSP. Presented at the “Soya Gidalari Semineri “Teksture Soya Proteinleri (Soya Eti ve Kiymasi) Yeni Firsatlar” Hilton Hotel, Izmir, Turkey. Aug 20.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Types and forms of TSP. Presented at the “Soya Gidalari Semineri “Teksture Soya Proteinleri (Soya Eti ve Kiymasi) Yeni Firsatlar” Sharaton Hotel, Ankara, Turkey. Aug 19.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Economic Advantages and Uses of TSP. Presented at the “Soya Gidalari Semineri “Teksture Soya Proteinleri (Soya Eti ve Kiymasi) Yeni Firsatlar” Sharaton Hotel, Ankara, Turkey. Aug 19.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Types and forms of TSP. Presented at the “Soya Gidalari Semineri “Teksture Soya Proteinleri (Soya Eti ve Kiymasi) Yeni Firsatlar” Hilton Hotel, Kayseri, Turkey. Aug 17.

Riaz, M. N.     2004. Economic Advantages and Uses of TSP. Presented at the “Soya Gidalari Semineri “Teksture Soya Proteinleri (Soya Eti ve Kiymasi) Yeni Firsatlar” Hilton Hotel, Kayseri, Turkey. Aug 17.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Introduction to TSP – Types, selection right quality for right application; Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the Soyfoods and TSP Seminar Sheraton Hotel, Antalya, Turkey, Dec. 19.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Introduction to TSP – Types, selection right quality for right application; Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the Soyfoods and TSP Seminar. Hilton Hotel, Izmir, Turkey, Dec. 16.

 Riaz, M. N.     2003. Introduction to TSP – Types, selection right quality for right application; Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the Soyfoods and TSP Seminar. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, Dec. 15.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Texturized vegetable protein in meat and vegetarian applications & benefits.  Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Kervansaray Hotel, Bursa, Turkey, August 8.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Introduction to TSP – Types, selecting right quality for right application; Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Keravansaray Hotel, Bursa, Turkey, August 8.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Texturized vegetable protein in meat and vegetarian applications & benefits.  Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Sheraton Hotel, Ankara, Turkey, August 7.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Introduction to TSP – Types, selecting right quality for right application; Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Sheraton Hotel, Ankara, Turkey, August 7

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Texturized vegetable protein in meat and vegetarian applications & benefits.  Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Hilton Hotel Izmir, Turkey, August 5.

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Introduction to TSP – Types, selecting right quality for right application; Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Hilton Hotel, Izmir, Turkey, August 5

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Texturized vegetable protein in meat and vegetarian applications & benefits.  Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Polat Renaissance Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, August 4

Riaz, M. N.     2003. Introduction to TSP – Types, selecting right quality for right application; Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Polat Renaissance Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, August 4.

Riaz, M. N.     2003.  Benefits of expander in soybean/oilseed processing. Presented at the Soybean Crushing Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Continental Hotel, Istanbul, Feb. 21.

Riaz, M. N.     2003.  Health and nutritional benefits using soyfood. Presented to Turkish Armed Forces Headquarter, Ankara, Turkey, Feb. 20.

Riaz, M. N.     2002.  Application and benefits of TSP. Economic advantages of including TSP in daily recipe and diet. Presented at the Soyfood Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Soybeans soy oil and soy protein: Areas of uses and new opportunities. Kervansaray Hotel, Bursa, Dec. 13.

Riaz, M. N.     2002.  Types of extruded texturized soy protein. ii. How to incorporate TSP in food/meat. iii. What to look when buying TSP (specs and selection of right quality), iv. Problem in the selection criteria. Presented at the Soyfood Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Soybeans soy oil and soy protein: Areas of uses and new opportunities. Kervansaray Hotel, Bursa, Dec. 13.

Riaz, M. N.     2002.  Application and benefits of TSP. Economic advantages of including TSP in daily recipe and diet. Presented at the Soyfood Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Soybeans soy oil and soy protein: Areas of uses and new opportunities.  Sheraton Hotel, Ankara, Dec. 11.

Riaz, M. N.     2002.  Types of extruded texturized soy protein. ii. How to incorporate TSP in food/meat. iii. What to look when buying TSP (specs and selection of right quality), iv. Problem in the selection criteria. Presented at the Soyfood Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Soybeans soy oil and soy protein: Areas of uses and new opportunities.  Sheraton Hotel, Ankara, Dec. 11.

Riaz, M. N.     2002.  Application and benefits of TSP. Economic advantages of including TSP in daily recipe and diet. Presented at the Soyfood Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Soybeans soy oil and soy protein: Areas of uses and new opportunities.  Crown Plaza Hotel. Atakoy, Istanbul, Dec. 10.

Riaz, M. N.     2002.  Types of extruded texturized soy protein. ii. How to incorporate TSP in food/meat. iii. What to look when buying TSP (specs and selection of right quality), iv. Problem in the selection criteria. Presented at the Soyfood Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Soybeans soy oil and soy protein: Areas of uses and new opportunities.  Crown Plaza Hotel. Atakoy, Istanbul, Dec. 10

Riaz, M. N.     2002. TSP Utilization, advantages and TSP processing. Presented at the Soyfoods and Blended Oils Seminar at Sheraton Hotel, Antalya, Turkey. May 23.

Riaz, M. N.     2002. TSP Utilization, advantages and TSP processing. Presented at the Soyfoods and Blended Oils Seminar at Hilton, Izmir, Turkey. May 21.

Riaz, M. N.     2002. TSP Production. Presented at “Soyfood” Pre-Conference Short Course at the World Conference and Exhibition on Oilseed and Edible, Industrial and Specialty Oils: Sources, Processing, By-Products, Utilization and Feed Formulations, Applications and Functionality. Istanbul, Turkey, August 11.

Riaz, M. N.     2002. Overview of poultry and aquaculture feed extrusion. Presented at “Aquaculture and Poultry Feed” Pre-Conference Short Course at the World Conference and Exhibition on Oilseed and Edible, Industrial and Specialty Oils, Sources, Processing, By-Products, Utilization and Feed Formulations, Applications and Functionality”. Istanbul, Turkey, August 10.

United Arab Emirates

Riaz, M. N. 2021. Ingredients and Recipe Consideration for Aqua Feed Extrusion. Presented at the Aquatic MEA. A One Day Conference for Aquaculture Professinals. Organized by the VIV MEA, Aqua Feed Magazine. Abu Dubai, United Arab Emirate. Nov. 24.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. How to Make Quality Feed Using Extrusion Technology. Presented at the 5th USSEC Regional Aquaculture Production Conference- MENA. JW Marriott Marquis Hotel, Dubai United Arab Emirates July 20-23.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. Aqua Feed Safety and Extrusion Processing. Presented at the 5th USSEC Regional Aquaculture Production Conference- MENA. JW Marriott Marquis Hotel, Dubai United Arab Emirates July 20-23.

Riaz, M. N. 2019. How to Make Sure a Smooth-running Operation for Aqua Feed. Presented at the 5th USSEC Regional Aquaculture Production Conference- MENA. JW Marriott Marquis Hotel, Dubai United Arab Emirates July 20-23.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Raw material Properties for Aqua Feed Extrusion. Presented at the One-Day short Course for Aqua Feed Processing Professionals.  Organized by the International Aqua Feed Magazine at the VIV 2018. Abu Dubai, United Arab Emirate, Feb. 5.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Introduction and Principle of Extrusion. Presented at the One-Day short Course for Aqua Feed Processing Professionals.  Organized by the International Aqua Feed Magazine at the VIV 2018. Abu Dubai, United Arab Emirate, Feb. 5.

Riaz, M. N. 2016.  The Role of Extrusion Processing in Feed Preparation. Presented at the Global Milling conference Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre. VIV and Milling and Grain Magazine. Abu Dubai UAE. Feb. 15

Riaz, M. N. 2016.  Introduction to Extrusion.  Presented at the Short Course in Aquaculture Feed Manufacturing. Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre. VIV and International Aqua Feed Magazine. Abu Dubai UAE. Feb. 14

Riaz, M. N. 2016. Serious Issues in Halal Standards: How Can we harmonize?  Presented at the Dubai Accreditation Department (DAC) Training Program. Dubai, UAE. Jan. 12

Riaz, M. N. 2016. GMO and Halal Issues. Presented at the Dubai Accreditation Department (DAC) Training Program. Dubai, UAE. Jan. 12

Riaz, M. N. 2016. Halal Food Additives Control. Presented at the Dubai Accreditation Department (DAC) Training Program. Dubai, UAE. Jan. 11

Riaz, M. N.  2015. New Advances in Aqua Feed Extrusion Technologies. Presented at the USEEC first reginal Aquaculture Investment Conference –MENA. Grosvenor House, Dubai, U.A. E. Nov. 20‐23

Riaz, M. N. 2015. An overview of Aqua Feed Production. Presented at the USEEC first reginal Aquaculture Investment Conference –MENA. Grosvenor House, Dubai, U.A. E. Nov. 20‐23

Riaz, M. N.  2014.  Industry Issues, Concerns and their solutions. Presented at the 3rd Halal Congress Middle East. Organized by Halal Development Council. Expo Center Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Dec. 8‐10

Riaz, M. N. 2014. Production of Full Fat Soybean Meal by Extrusion and its Quality Parameters. Presented at the USSEC Annual U.S. Soy Trade and Sustainability Buyers Conference. Emirates Towers Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Aug. 22‐24

Riaz, M. N.     2012. Overview and opportunities in American Halal market. Presented at the Halal Congress Middle East, organized by The Halal Development Council, at Expo Center Sharjah, UAE. Dec 11-12

Riaz, M. N.     2003.  Soyfood production. Presented at the Soybean Buyer’s Conference, organized by the ASA Turkey: Sheraton Hotel, Dubai, UAE, Feb. 26-27.

Riaz, M. N.     2003.  Benefits of expander in soybean/oilseed processing. Presented at the Soybean Crushing Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Sheraton Hotel, Dubai, UAE, Feb. 25.

United Kingdom

Riaz, M. N. 2021. How to Select an Extruder.  Presented at the 5th Annual Aqua Feed Extrusion Conference co-organized by VIV, International Aquafeed and Fish Farming Technology magazine and Texas A&M University. UK. March 10-11

Riaz, M. N. 2020. Single and Twin-Screw Extruders: Pros and Cons.  Presented at the Live Online Aqua Feed Extrusion Conference. Organized by the International Aqua Feed Magazine, Texas A&M and VIV Asia, UK July 8-9.

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Doubtful Food Additives‐ A real Challenge in Halal Food Processing. Presented at the UK’s First Halal Industry Seminar. Organized by Halal Food Authority, United Kingdom. Imperial Suite, Royal Nawaab, London. U.K. April 30th.


Riaz, M. N. 2023. Latest Technologies in Making Aqua feed. Presented at the seminar organized by Emivest Factory Feed Mill. Dong Thap, Vietnam, March 30.

Riaz, M. N. 2023. Latest Update on Aqua feed Extrusion Technology. Presented at the seminar organized by MAVIN Austfeed Feed Mill. Hung Yen Vietnam, March 28.

Riaz, M. N. 2023. Pet Food Extrusion. Presented at the seminar organized by De Heus Hai. Feed Mill. HaiPhong, Vietnam, March 27

Riaz, M. N. 2023. Extrusion Maintenance. Presented at the seminar organized by De Heus Hai. Feed Mill. HaiPhong, Vietnam, March 27

Riaz, M. N. 2023. Making Shrimp Feed with Limited Raw Material. Presented at the seminar organized by De Heus Hai. Feed Mill. HaiPhong, Vietnam, March 27

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Principles of Aqua Feed Extrusion. Presented at in house seminar APPE Feedmill, Phu Ly, Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam July 23

Riaz, M. N. 2022. Principles of Aqua Feed Extrusion. Presented at in house seminar Kinh Bac Feedmill, Bac Ninh, Hanoi, Vietnam July 22

Riaz, M. N. 2019. U.S. Soybeans in FF Soy Production: Extrusion & Other Process; Handling and Storage for Soybeans and FF Soy. Presented at the U.S. Soy Nutrition & Feed Formulation Workshops Full Fat Soybean Roadshow. Sheraton Hotel, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; April 22-23

Riaz, M.N. Extrusion Process; Production & Quality Control of Full fat soybean Meal (FFSBM). Presented at Sheraton Saigon Hotel & Towers, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Sep. 7th.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Trouble Shooting in Aqua Feed. Presented at the Aqua Feed Seminar Organized by United State Soybean Export Council, (USSEC), Southeast Region. Intercontinental Hanoi West Lake, Hanoi, Vietnam. March 31.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Trouble Shooting in Aqua Feed. Presented at the Aqua Feed Seminar Organized by United State Soybean Export Council, (USSEC), Southeast Region. Cargill Conference room Industrial Zone, Lạc Hồng, Mỹ Hào, Hưng Yên Province – Vietnam, March 30.

Riaz, M. N. 2018. Trouble Shooting in Aqua Feed. Presented at the Aqua Feed Seminar Organized by United State Soybean Export Council, (USSEC), Southeast Region. Uni‐President Conference room. Sóng Thần II Industrial Zone, Dĩ An Town, Bình Dương Province, Vietnam ‐ March 29.

Riaz, M. N. 2017.  Trouble Shooting in Aqua Feed and Extrusion Technology in manufacturing fish feed Presented at the, De Heus, Vinh Long province. Organized by United State Soybean Export Council, (USSEC), Southeast Region.  De Heus Feed Mill Conference room, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam, March 4

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Extrusion Technology in manufacturing fish feed and Micro Aquatic Feed for fish larvae. Presented at the Sheng Long, Ho Chi Minh city, Organized by United State Soybean Export Council, (USSEC), Southeast Region.  Sheng Long Feed Mill Conference room, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam, March 3

Riaz, M. N. 2017. Extrusion Technology in manufacturing fish feed and Micro Aquatic Feed for fish larvae. Presented at the Sheng Long, Ho Chi Minh City, Organized by United State Soybean Export Council, (USSEC), Southeast Region.  Sheng Long Feed Mill Conference room, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam, March 2.

Riaz, M. N.  2016.  How to Process Quality Feed Using Extrusion Technology. Presented at the International Conference on Aqua Feed Production Challenges for the 21st Century. ILDEX Vietnam, the 6th International Livestock, Dairy, meat Processing and Aquaculture Exposition, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam, March 25.

Riaz, M. N. 2016. Extrusion Technology Trouble Shooting for Aqua Feed.  Presented at Sheraton –Saigon, Organized by United Soybean Export Council, (USEEC) Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam, March 25

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Extrusion technology for production of slow sinking feed for Marine fish. Presented at the seminar organized by the United Soybean Export Council. Nam Cuong Hotel, Hai Duong, Vietnam. March 9.

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Making high fat and slow sinking Marine feed. Presented at the Aqua feed seminar, Green Feed, Ben Luc –Long An, Vietnam. March 8.

Riaz, M. N. 2015. Making slow sinking Marine feed. Presented at the seminar organized by the United Soybean Export Council. Sheraton Saigon Hotel and Towers, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. March 7.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. General Operation of Extruder. Presented at the Aqua feed seminar, Proconco, Can Tho City, Vietnam. Dec. 2.

Riaz, M. N. 2014. General Process of Feed Production Management and Quality Control for Aqua Feed Mills. Presented at the Aqua feed seminar, Proconco, Can Tho City, Vietnam. Dec.

Riaz, M. N.     2014. High fat contents extruded floating feed. Presented at The Seminar organized by the United Soybean Export Council, Nhut Chanh commune, Ben Luc District, Long An province, Vietnam. April 7

Riaz, M. N.     2012. Introduction to extrusion. Presented at 2nd ASAIM South East Asia Aquaculture Conference. Organized by the American Soybean Association – IM and Food Protein R&D Center, Sheraton Saigon Hotel, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. July 8-12

Riaz, M. N.     2009. Advances in Aqua Feed Extrusion. Presented at the 17th Annual ASAIM Southeast Asian Feed Technology and Nutrition Workshop, The Imperial Hotel, Hue, Vietnam, June 19.

Riaz, M. N.     2009.   The Role of Extrusion Technology on Feed Safety and Hygiene.  Presented at the 17th Annual ASAIM Southeast Asian Feed Technology and Nutrition Workshop, The Imperial Hotel, Hue, Vietnam, June 17.

Riaz, M. N.     2005. Extrusion Techniques in Fish Feed Production. Presented at the Extrusion Technology and FFSBM Seminar. Renaissance Riverside Saigon Hotel, Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam, May 20.

Riaz, M. N.     2005. Extrusion of Full Fat Soy Meal. Presented at the Extrusion Technology and FFSBM Seminar. Renaissance Riverside Saigon Hotel, Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam, May 20.