Riaz, M. N. 2009. Mechanical Processing of Soybeans for Feed Application. Presented at the World Soybean Research Conference VIII. “Developing a Global Soy Blueprint for a Safe Secure and Sustainable supply”. The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Crop Science Society of China. Beijing, China, Aug. 12.
Riaz, M. N. 2009. Extrusion of Soy Based Aqua Feed. Presented at the World Soybean Research Conference VIII. “Developing a Global Soy Blueprint for a Safe Secure and Sustainable supply”. The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Crop Science Society of China. Beijing, China, Aug. 13
Riaz, M. N. 2009. Extrusion: A Processing Tool for Texturized Soy Protein. Presented at the. Soy Food Seminar at Atlantis-Pak, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, March 19.
Riaz, M. N. 2009. Production of Texturized Vegetable Proteins via Extrusion Technology. Presented at the. Soy Food Seminar at Atlantis-Pak, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, March 19.
Riaz, M. N. 2009. Processing Soybeans Using Extruder to Make Full fat and Partially Defatted Soybean Meal for the Feed Industry (poultry, swine, cattle, etc). Presented at the 14th International Industrial Trade Fair: Cereal, Mixed Feed and Veterinary 2009. Moscow, Russia. Feb. 5.
Riaz, M. N. 2008. Role of Extrusion processing in Soy Utilization / Extrusion of Soy based Food and Dal Analogs. Presented at the “Fifth International Soybean Processing and Utilization Conference (ISPUC-V 2008)”. Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, India. Dec. 10-14.
Riaz, M. N. 2008. Alternative Methods for Processing Soybeans for Food and Feed Applications. Presented at the “Fifth International Soybean Processing and Utilization Conference (ISPUC-V 2008)”. Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, India. Dec. 10-14.
Riaz, M. N. 2008. Processing Textured Soy Protein and its Raw Material Properties. Presented at the “Fifth International Soybean Processing and Utilization Conference (ISPUC-V 2008)”. Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, India. Dec. 10-14.
Riaz, M. N. 2008. Functional Benefits of Soy – A Food Technologist Perspective. Presented at the “Fifth International Soybean Processing and Utilization Conference (ISPUC-V 2008)”. Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, India. Dec. 10-14.
Riaz, M. N. 2008. Extrusion of Oilseeds – Extrusion-expelling of soybeans”. Presented at the ExtruTec Conference, Howard Johnson Hotel, Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina, Nov. 28.
Riaz, M. N. 2008. Extruding Full Fat Soybeans for Maximum Quality. Presented at the seminar on “Full Fat Soybean Meal – The Forgotten Ingredient”. Hilton Hotel Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. 15, 2008
Riaz, M. N. 2008. Current Technologies used for Full Fat Soybean Meal Production. Presented at the seminar on “Full Fat Soybean Meal – The Forgotten Ingredient”. Hilton Hotel Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. 15, 2008
Riaz, M. N. 2008. Raw Material properties for Soy Based Textured Proteins and Production of Different types of TVP using Extruder – Presented at the International Training Workshop on extrusion Technology. Organized by Food Protein R&D Center Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, USA, & National Institute of Food Science and Technology University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, Aug. 16
Riaz, M. N. 2008 Extruder’s Application for Oilseed Crop (Full fat soy, Cottonseed, etc) – Presented at the International Training Workshop on extrusion Technology. Organized by Food Protein R&D Center Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, USA, & National Institute of Food Science and Technology University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, Aug. 17
Riaz, M. N. 2008. Full Fat Soybean Production Using Extrusion Technology. Presented at the Extrusion Conference Hilton, Izmir, Turkey. June 13.
Riaz, M. N. 2008. Making Floating and Sinking Feed Using Extrusion Technology, Presented at the Extrusion Conference Hilton, Izmir, Turkey. June 12.
Riaz, M. N. 2008. Soy Based Oil Margarines, Production and Techniques. Presented at the TMMOB Bitkisel Yemeklik Yaglar Sempozyum Ve Sergisi. TMMOB Kimya Muchendisleri Odasi Adana, Turkey. May 9.
Riaz, M. N. 2008. Full Fat Soybean Production Using Extrusion Technology. Presented at the Extrusion Conference Grand Hyatt, Corniche El Nil, Garden City. Cairo, Egypt. March 15.
Riaz, M. N. 2007. Modern Development and Trends in TVP production and Its U.S and World Market. Presented at the XXI Century Food Ingredients: 8th International Forum, Moscow, Russia, Dec. 4-7, 2007.
Riaz, M. N. 2007. New soy food trends. Presented at the 1st International congress on Food Technology, Quality and Safety. Nov. 13-15. Novi Sad, Serbia.
Riaz, M. N. 2007. Functional Soy Foods. Presented at the 9th annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Aug. 31.
Riaz, M. N. 2007. Types of Extruded Soy Protein, Selection for Meat Alternatives, Designing a Meat Alternative with Examples. Presented at the 9th annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. August, 30
Riaz, M. N. 2007. Introduction to Extrusion. Presented at the 9th annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. August. 27.
Riaz, M. N. 2007. Soy Extrusion and its Application in Foods. Presented at National Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan June 20.
Riaz, M. N. 2007. Processing Full Fat Soy for Maximum Quality. Presented at VIV Asia Conference. “Processing and Use of Soybean Products”. March 7. BITEC Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand
Riaz, M. N. 2007. Advances in Texturized Soy Protein (TSP) and Their Application in Food Industry – Presented at the 5th Southeast Asia Soyfood Seminar and Trade Show. “Science to Market – Opportunities in Asia”. Shangri- La Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, March 6.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. Different Types of TVP, Their Selection and Economics. Presented at the WISHH Workshop “How to provide Nutritional and Affordable Foods to an Ever Increasing Population with Dry, Blended and Extruded Soy Products” Pretoria, South Africa. Sep. 21.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. Soybean Processing into Ingredients. Presented at the WISHH Workshop “How to provide Nutritional and Affordable Foods to an Ever Increasing Population with Dry, Blended and Extruded Soy Products” Pretoria, South Africa. Sep. 19.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. Functional soyfoods. Presented at the 8th annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Sep. 1.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. Types of extruded soy protein, selection for meat alternatives, designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the 8th annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. August, 31.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. Dairy Alternatives. Presented at the 8th annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Aug. 29.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. Overview of soyfoods. Presented at the 8th annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. August. 29.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. Introduction to extrusion. Presented at the 8th annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. August. 28.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. TSP Economics and Health Benefits. Presented at the Soyfood Seminars and its Application. Hilton Izmir Hotel, Izmir, Turkey. July 28.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. TSP and Its Application. Presented at the Soyfood Seminars and its Application. Hilton Izmir Hotel, Izmir, Turkey. July 28.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. TSP Economics and Health Benefits. Presented at the Soyfood Seminars and its Application. Ankara Ickale Hotel, Ankara, Turkey. July 26.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. TSP and Its Application. Presented at the Soyfood Seminars and its Application. Ankara Ickale Hotel, Ankara, Turkey. July 26.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. TSP Economics and Health Benefits. Presented at the Soyfood Seminars and its Application. Hilton Kayseri Hotel, Kayseri, Turkey. July 24.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. TSP and Its Application. Presented at the Soyfood Seminars and its Application. Hilton Kayseri Hotel, Kayseri, Turkey. July 24.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. Different Methods of Producing Full fat Soybean Meal. Presented at the Extrusion and Full Fat Soybean Conference. Sharm El Sheikh Marriott Beach Resort, Neama Bay, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Feb. 15-16.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. Full fat Soybean Production using Extrusion Technology (Focused on Dry Extruder). Presented at the Extrusion and Full Fat Soybean Conference. Sharm El Sheikh Marriott Beach Resort, Neama Bay, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Feb. 15-16.
Riaz, M. N. 2006. Soy Based Extruded Products. Presented at the Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Karachi University, Karachi, Jan. 6.
Riaz, M. N. 2005. Quality control during extrusion of full fat soy and fish feed extrusion. Presented at the Seminar in Roman City, Romania. Nov. 17.
Riaz, M. N. 2005. Texturized Peanut Protein Meat Analog for Food Application. Presented at the Texas Food and Fibers Commission Industry Advisory Committee Meeting, USDA Cropping Systems Research Laboratory, Lubbock, Texas. Nov. 8.
Riaz, M. N. 2005. Functional soyfoods. Presented at the 7th annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Aug. 28-Sep. 2.
Riaz, M. N. 2005. Types of extruded soy protein, selection for meat alternatives, designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the 7th annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Aug. 28-Sep. 2.
Riaz, M. N. 2005. Overview of solvent extraction of soybeans for texturized vegetable protein. Presented at the 7th annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Aug. 28-Sep. 2.
Riaz, M. N. 2005. Introduction to extrusion. Presented at the 7th annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Aug. 28-Sep. 2.
Riaz, M. N. 2005. Dry Extrusion for Soy Processing to Obtain High Quality FFSBM. Presented at the “Extrusion Technology in the Feed Industry Seminar. New Montanan Hotel, Sinaia, Romania. July 28.
Riaz, M. N. 2005. Available Technologies to produce Full Fat Soybean Meal. Presented at the “Extrusion Technology in the Feed Industry Seminar. New Montanan Hotel, Sinaia, Romania. July 28.
Riaz, M. N. 2005. Extrusion of Full Fat Soy Meal. Presented at the Extrusion Technology and FFSBM Seminar. Renaissance Riverside Saigon Hotel, Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam, May 20.
Riaz, M. N. 2005. Extrusion of Full Fat Soy Meal. Presented at the Extrusion Training Seminar. Ciawi, Bogor Agriculture Research Institute, Indonesia, May 12.
Riaz, M. N. Barron, M. 2005. Extrusion of Fibrous Soy Protein. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, Salt Lake City, UT. May 1-4
Riaz, M. N. 2005. Benefits of Using Expander in Solvent Extraction of Soybeans and Other Oilseed Crops. Presented at Regional Oilseed Conference, Organized by All Pakistan Solvent Extraction Association, Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore, Pakistan Feb. 26, 2005
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Soy Food Extrusion. Presented at the International Conference on Soybean for Food Uses. Hotel Fortune Landmark, Indore, India. Dec. 23.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Growth of Soy Food in US Market. Presented at the International Conference on Soybean for Food Uses. Hotel Fortune Landmark, Indore, India. Dec. 22.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Uses and Application of Textured Soy Protein. Presented at the Seminar “Soy Food Manufacturing & Applications: Its Nutritional & Health Benefits . P.C.S.I.R. Lab. Lahore, Pakistan. Dec. 15.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Soy Food Trends and Market. Presented at Soy Flour and Soy Protein Seminar, Four Seasons Hotel, Cairo at Nile Plaza, Egypt. Dec. 5.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Textured Soy Protein – Application, and Economics Benefits. Presented at Soy Flour and Soy Protein Seminar, Four Seasons Hotel, Cairo at Nile Plaza, Egypt. Dec. 5.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Selection of textured soy protein, Ideal characteristics for economic application in food industry- Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at Soyfood Seminar & Workshop, Hilton Hotel, Izmir, Turkey. Dec. 1.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Selection of textured soy protein, Ideal characteristics for economic application in food industry- Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at Soyfood Seminar & Workshop, Hilton Hotel, Antalya, Turkey. Dec. 3
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Selection of textured soy protein, Ideal characteristics for economic application in food industry- Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at Soyfood Seminar & Workshop, Hilton Hotel, Konya, Turkey. Nov.29.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Texturized Peanut Protein Meat Analog for Food Application. Presented at the Program Review for Oilseed and Nutrition Research. Texas Food and Fibers Commission Industry Advisory Committee Meeting, Texas A&M University, Texas. Nov. 3.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Functional soy foods. Presented at the 6th annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Sep. 26-Oct. 1.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Types of extruded soy protein, selection for meat alternatives, designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the 6th annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Sep. 26-Oct. 1.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Introduction to extrusion. Presented at the 6th annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Sep. 26-Oct. 1.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Types and forms of TSP. Presented at the “ Soya Gidalari Semineri “Teksture Soya Proteinleri (Soya Eti ve Kiymasi) Yeni Firsatlar” Hilton Hotel , Izmir, Turkey. Aug 20.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Economic Advantages and Uses of TSP. Presented at the “ Soya Gidalari Semineri “Teksture Soya Proteinleri (Soya Eti ve Kiymasi) Yeni Firsatlar” Hilton Hotel, Izmir, Turkey. Aug 20.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Types and forms of TSP. Presented at the “ Soya Gidalari Semineri “Teksture Soya Proteinleri (Soya Eti ve Kiymasi) Yeni Firsatlar” Sharaton Hotel , Ankara, Turkey. Aug 19.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Economic Advantages and Uses of TSP. Presented at the “ Soya Gidalari Semineri “Teksture Soya Proteinleri (Soya Eti ve Kiymasi) Yeni Firsatlar” Sharaton Hotel , Ankara, Turkey. Aug 19.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Types and forms of TSP. Presented at the “ Soya Gidalari Semineri “Teksture Soya Proteinleri (Soya Eti ve Kiymasi) Yeni Firsatlar” Hilton Hotel, Kayseri, Turkey. Aug 17.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Economic Advantages and Uses of TSP. Presented at the “ Soya Gidalari Semineri “Teksture Soya Proteinleri (Soya Eti ve Kiymasi) Yeni Firsatlar” Hilton Hotel, Kayseri, Turkey. Aug 17.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Evaluation of the Quality of Soybean Meal. Presented at the “Tecnología de Producción y Refinación de Aceite de Soya Los días”en Querátaro Qro. En el Hotel Camelinas (Raddison) Querétaro. Mexico, Aug 11-12.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Advances in the Production of High Quality Soybean Meal. Presented at the “Tecnología de Producción y Refinación de Aceite de Soya Los días”en Querátaro Qro. En el Hotel Camelinas (Raddison) Querétaro. Mexico, Aug 11-12.
Riaz, M. N. and Barron M. 2004. How to make soy meat analog. Presented at the Presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, Cincinnati, OH. May 9-12.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Evaluation of the quality of soybean meal for poultry, swine and aquaculture. Presented at the “The Essentials of Feed Milling and Manufacturing” seminar, Kapok Hotel, Port of Spain, Trinidad, April 23.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Production and quality parameters of soybean meal (full fat soy) for feed. Presented at the “The Essentials of Feed Milling and Manufacturing” seminar, Kapok Hotel, Port of Spain, Trinidad, April 23.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Evaluation of the quality of soybean meal for poultry, swine and aquaculture. Presented at the “The Essentials of Feed Milling and Manufacturing” seminar, Knutsford Court Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, April 20.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. Production and quality parameters of soybean meal (full fat soy) for feed. Presented at the “The Essentials of Feed Milling and Manufacturing” seminar, Knutsford Court Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, April 20.
Riaz, M. N. 2004. How to get functional ingredients from soybeans? Presented at the IV International Soybean Processing and Utilization Conference, Foz do Iguassu, PR. Brazil. Feb. 29 to March 5.
Riaz, M. M. 2004. Technologies for making different types of meat analogs. Presented at the Soyfoods Summit 2004. Hyatt Regency La Jolla, San Diego, CA. Feb. 18-20.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Introduction to TSP – Types, selection right quality for right application; Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the Soyfoods and TSP Seminar Sheraton Hotel, Antalya, Turkey, Dec. 19.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Introduction to TSP – Types, selection right quality for right application; Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the Soyfoods and TSP Seminar. Hilton Hotel, Izmir, Turkey, Dec. 16.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Introduction to TSP – Types, selection right quality for right application; Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the Soyfoods and TSP Seminar. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, Dec. 15.
Torre, De La. M. Barron, M. E. Riaz, M. N. and Rooney L. W. 2003. The properties of baked and fried tortilla chips fortified with mechanically- expelled soy flour. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cereal Chemist, Montreal. Portland, Oregon. Sep. 28 Oct. 2.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Texturization of soy protein: What is available to us? Presented at the Soyfoods Latin America Summit, Grand Hyatt, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Sep. 29-30.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Functional soy foods. Presented at the 5rth annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Sep14-19.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Introduction to extrusion. Presented at the 5rth annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Sep14-19.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Types of extruded soy proteins, selection for meat alternative, designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the 5rthannual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and Other Soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Sep. 14-19.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Soy food production, nutrition and opportunities. Presented at the Soy –Technologies and Products in Food and Feed Industries”. Organized by the American Soybean Association, Romania, Marriott Hotel, Bucharest, Romania, August 15.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Texturized vegetable protein in meat and vegetarian applications & benefits. Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Kervansaray Hotel, Bursa, Turkey, August 8.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Introduction to TSP – Types, selecting right quality for right application; Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Keravansaray Hotel, Bursa, Turkey, August 8.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Texturized vegetable protein in meat and vegetarian applications & benefits. Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Sheraton Hotel, Ankara, Turkey, August 7.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Introduction to TSP – Types, selecting right quality for right application; Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Sheraton Hotel, Ankara, Turkey, August 7.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Texturized vegetable protein in meat and vegetarian applications & benefits. Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Hilton Hotel Izmir, Turkey, August 5.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Introduction to TSP – Types, selecting right quality for right application; Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Hilton Hotel, Izmir, Turkey, August 5.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Texturized vegetable protein in meat and vegetarian applications & benefits. Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Polat Renaissance Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, August 4.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Introduction to TSP – Types, selecting right quality for right application; Designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the Soy Foods and TSP Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Turkey, Polat Renaissance Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, August 4.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Soy food extrusion and other opportunities in India. Presented at the Soy Food Seminar, Organized by the American Soybean Association, India Oberoi Towers, Nairman Point, Mumbai, India, July 21.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Recommendation for storage of soybean, drying conditions and preparation to ensure optimum yield of soybeans oil and high quality of soybeans meal. Presented at Producción De Aceite Crudo, Pasta Y Harina De Soya De Alta Calidad Los días en el, Hotel Holiday Inn en Matamoros Tams, Mexico. May 23-23.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Analysis of protein in soybeans and soybeans meal by near Infra red (NIR). Presented at Producción De Aceite Crudo, Pasta Y Harina De Soya De Alta Calidad Los días en el, Hotel Holiday Inn en Matamoros Tams, Mexico, May 22-23.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Evaluation of the quality of soybean meal for poultry, swine and aquaculture Presented at the Produccion De Aceite Crude Pasta Y Harina De Soya De Alta Calidad Seminar, Organized by ASA Mexico, at Hotel Emporio En Veracruz, Mexico. April, 24.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Production of soybean meal (48% protein); Advantages and disadvantages of expander; Hot dehulling and top dehulling. Presented at the Produccion De Aceite Crude Pasta Y Harina De Soya De Alta Calidad Seminar, Organized by ASA Mexico, at Hotel Emporio En Veracruz, Mexico. April, 23.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Soyfood production. Presented at the Soybean Buyer’s Conference, organized by the ASA Turkey: Sheraton Hotel, Dubai, UAE, Feb. 26-27.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Benefits of expander in soybean/oilseed processing. Presented at the Soybean Crushing Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Sheraton Hotel, Dubai, UAE, Feb. 25.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Fundamentals of feed processing using extrusion technology. Presented at seminar organized by the ASA, Egypt, Four Season Hotel, Giza, Egypt. Feb. 23.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Soyfoods production. Presented at seminar organized by the ASA, Egypt, Four Season Hotel, Giza, Egypt. Feb. 23.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Extrusion- Expelling concept of soybeans to make textured soy protein. Presented at seminar organized by the ASA, Egypt, Four Season Hotel, Giza, Egypt. Feb. 23.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Processing of soybeans into soy ingredients for food and feed
application. Presented at seminar organized by the ASA, Egypt, Four Season Hotel, Giza, Egypt. Feb. 23.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Benefits of expander in soybean/oilseed processing. Presented at the Soybean Crushing Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Continental Hotel, Istanbul, Feb. 21.
Riaz, M. N. 2003. Health and nutritional benefits using soyfood. Presented to Turkish Armed Forces Headquarter, Ankara, Turkey, Feb. 20
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Production and Application of textured soy products. Presented at the Soy Ingredients for Food Products Seminar. Organized by the American Soybean Association Europe and Maghrib. Hotel Golden Tulip Carthage Av de la Promenade La Marsa, Tunis, Dec. 17-18
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Application and benefits of TSP. Economic advantages of including TSP in daily recipe and diet. Presented at the Soyfood Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Soybeans soy oil and soy protein: Areas of uses and new opportunities. Kervansaray Hotel, Bursa, Dec. 13.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Types of extruded texturized soy protein. ii. How to incorporate TSP in food/meat. iii. What to look when buying TSP (specs and selection of right quality), iv. Problem in the selection criteria. Presented at the Soyfood Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Soybeans soy oil and soy protein: Areas of uses and new opportunities. Kervansaray Hotel, Bursa, Dec. 13.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Application and benefits of TSP. Economic advantages of including TSP in daily recipe and diet. Presented at the Soyfood Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Soybeans soy oil and soy protein: Areas of uses and new opportunities. Sheraton Hotel, Ankara, Dec. 11.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Types of extruded texturized soy protein. ii. How to incorporate TSP in food/meat. iii. What to look when buying TSP (specs and selection of right quality), iv. Problem in the selection criteria. Presented at the Soyfood Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Soybeans soy oil and soy protein: Areas of uses and new opportunities. Sheraton Hotel, Ankara, Dec. 11
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Application and benefits of TSP. Economic advantages of including TSP in daily recipe and diet. Presented at the Soyfood Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Soybeans soy oil and soy protein: Areas of uses and new opportunities. Crown Plaza Hotel. Atakoy Istanbul, Dec. 10
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Types of extruded texturized soy protein. ii. How to incorporate TSP in food/meat. iii. What to look when buying TSP (specs and selection of right quality), iv. Problem in the selection criteria. Presented at the Soyfood Seminar, organized by the ASA Turkey: Soybeans soy oil and soy protein: Areas of uses and new opportunities. Crown Plaza Hotel. Atakoy Istanbul, Dec. 10
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Soy Processing/Soy ingredients. Presented at the Short Course of Soy ingredients and Applications. Organized by the AACC/IFT at Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 14-15.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Reduction of Antinutritional and Toxic Compounds in Oilseed Meals through Extrusion Technology. Presented at the Program Review for Oilseed and Nutrition Research .Texas Food and Fibers Commission Industry Advisory Committee Meeting, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Texas. Nov. 12
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Production of soy flour for TVP using extrusion/expelling concept. Presented at the China & International Soybean Conference & Exhibition, Beijing, China. Nov. 8
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Production of soy flour for TVP using extrusion/expelling concept. Presented at the China & International Soybean Conference & Exhibition, Beijing, China. Nov. 8
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Introduction to extrusion. Presented at the 4rth annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and other soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Sep. 15-20
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Types of extruded soy proteins, selection for meat alternative, designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the 4rthannual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein and Other Soyfood Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Sep. 15-20
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Health benefits of soy protein. Presented at the 4th annual Practical Short Course on Texturized Vegetable Protein and Other Soyfoods Products”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Sep. 15-20
Riaz, M. N. 2002. TSP Production. Presented at “Soyfood” Pre-Conference Short Course at the World Conference and Exhibition on Oilseed and Edible, Industrial and Specialty Oils: Sources, Processing, By-Products, Utilization and Feed Formulations, Applications and Functionality. Istanbul, Turkey, August 11.
Riaz. M. N. 2002. Soy ingredients processing techniques to produce quality soy products. Presented at the 4th International Soy Conference. Organized by Southern African Soyfood Association, ASA and USB. Gallagher Estate, Midrand, South Africa. July 17.
Riaz. M. N. 2002. Textured soy in meat products. Presented at the 4th International Soy Conference. Organized by Southern African Soyfood Association, ASA and USB. Gallagher Estate, Midrand, South Africa. July 17.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Introduction to extrusion. Presented at the Practical Short Course for Indonesian “Snack food Production and Texturized Vegetable Protein”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. June 3-7.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Full Fat Soybean Processing and Dry Extrusion. Presented at the Practical Short Course for Indonesian “Snack food Production and Texturized Vegetable Protein”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. June 3-7.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. The Market for the textured Soy Protein and Finished Products. Presented at the Practical Short Course for Indonesian “Snack food Production and Texturized Vegetable Protein”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. June 3-7.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Health benefits of soy protein. Presented at the Practical Short Course for Indonesian “Snack food Production and Texturized Vegetable Protein”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. June 3-7.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Extrusion-Expelling Concept to Produce low-cost, reduced fat soy flour for texturized vegetable protein. Presented at the Practical Short Course for Indonesian “Snack food Production and Texturized Vegetable Protein”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. June 3-7.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Size reduction TVP products. Presented at the Practical Short Course for Indonesian “Snack food Production and Texturized Vegetable Protein”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. June 3-7.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Selection of meat alternative, designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the Practical Short Course for Indonesian “Snack food Production and Texturized Vegetable Protein”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. June 3-7.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Extrusion-Expelling concept to produce low-cost, reduced fat texturized vegetable protein. Presented at Multi Food, El-Arab City, Alexandria, Egypt. May 30.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Production and quality parameters of soy meal/full fat soy for feed using extrusion technology. Presented at seminar organized by the ASA, Egypt, Four Season Hotel, Giza, Egypt. May 29.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Production of aquaculture feed/general feed using extrusion technology. Presented at seminar organized by the ASA, Egypt, Four Season Hotel, Giza, Egypt. May 29.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Textured vegetable protein in meat, meat products and vegetarian application. Presented at Soya Bean Processing Workshop, Organized by Agriculture-Led Export Business and World Initiative for Soy in Human Health. Giza, Egypt. May 28.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. Textured soy protein in meat and meat products. Presented at Nabil and UNIUM Meat Processor. Amman, Jordan, May 25, 2002.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. TSP Utilization, advantages and TSP processing. Presented at the Soyfoods and Blended Oils Seminar at Sheraton Hotel, Antalya, Turkey. May 23.
Riaz, M. N. 2002. TSP Utilization, advantages and TSP processing. Presented at the Soyfoods and Blended Oils Seminar at Hilton, Izmir, Turkey. May 21.
Riaz, M. N. 2001. Introduction to extrusion. Presented at the 3rd annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Oct. 7-12.
Riaz, M. N. 2001. The Market for the textured Soy Protein and Finished Products. Presented at the 3rd annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Oct. 7-12.
Riaz, M. N. 2001. Selection of meat alternative, designing a meat alternative with examples. Presented at the 3rd annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Oct. 7-12.
Riaz, M. N. 2001. Health benefits of soy protein. Presented at the 3rd annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Oct. 7-12
Riaz, M. N. 2001 Soybean processing and use of expander/extruder to make texturized vegetable protein. Presented at Grasas y Aceties y exportadora jal, Guadalajara, Mexico. Organized by American Soybean Association, Sep. 13.
Riaz, M. N. 2001. Soybean processing and role of expanders in oilseed processing. Presented at Tron Hermanos, Morila, Mexico. Organized by American Soybean Association, Sep. 12.
Riaz, M. N. 2001. Soybean and texturized vegetable protein processing. Presented at Proteinas del Bajio, Celaya, Mexico. Organized by American Soybean Association, Sep. 11.
Riaz, M. N. 2001. Soybean meal in poultry and aquaculture feed. Presented at Soybean processing Seminar at Fiesta Inn, Veracruz, Mexico, Organized by American Soybean Association. Aug. 28-30.
Riaz. M. N. 2001. Production of texturized vegetable proteins (Extrusion/Expelling). Presented at Third International Soy Conference. Gallagher Estate, Midrand, Johannsburg, South Africa. Organized by Agrimark Consultants, ASA and USB. Aug.21.
Riaz, M. N. 2001. Soybean meal in swine and aquaculture feed. Presented at the Seminario Produccion de aceite crudo, pasta y harina de soya. en el Hotel Ancira Radisson, Monterrey, N. L. Los dias, Mexico. July, 10-13.
Riaz, M. N. 2001. Diversity work of extruder in food Industry. Presented at Application of Soy in Food Product Seminar. Institute of Food Research and Product Development, Kasetsart University; Bangkok. Thailand, May 28.
Riaz, M. N. 2001. An overview of soy processing, using soy ingredients in different food products and production of texturized vegetable protein. Presented at Indo Food. Organized by American Soybean Association and ECFED. Jakarta, Indonesia. May 25.
Riaz, M. N. 2001. Production and quality parameter of soy meal using extrusion technology. Presented at Extrusion Technology Seminar. Organized by American Soybean Association and ECFED. Balai Penelitian Ternak, Ciawi, Bagor, Indonesia. May 23.
Riaz, M. N. 2001. Soybean processing using extrusion technology. Presented at Soyfood Processing Seminar; The Challenges and Opportunities. Organized by American Soybean Association and The Texas A&M Agriculture Program. Bina Karna Hall – Kompleks Bidkara. Jakarta, Indonesia. May, 21.
Riaz, M. N. 2001. Global trends for development and commercial marketing of soy food products. Presented at Soyfood Processing Seminar; The Challenges and Opportunities. Organized by American Soybean Association and The Texas A&M Agriculture Program. Bina Karna Hall – Kompleks Bidkara. Jakarta, Indonesia. May, 21.
Riaz, M. N. 2001. Processing of soybeans with expander/extruder of low investment and high quality. Presented at Produccion De Aceite De Soya De Alta Calida Para Su Uso En Productos Alimenticios. Asociacion Americana de Soya, Camara de Aceites y Proteinas de Occidente, Hotel Holiday Inn Select, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Abril 25 y 27.
Riaz, M. N. 2000. Health benefits of soy protein. Presented at the 2rd annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Oct. 1-6.
Riaz, M. N. 2000. Introduction to extrusion. Presented at the 2nd annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Oct. 1-6.
Riaz, M. N. 2000. Production of fullfat soy by extrusion technology. Presented at The Third International Soybean Processing and Utilization Conference. Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. Oct. 15-20.
Riaz, M. N. 2000. From soy processing to functional foods and nutraceuticals. Presented at “Soy and Health 2000”. Clinical Evidence, Dietetic Application. Palais des Congres, Brussel, Belgium. Oct. 13-14.
Riaz, M. N. 2000. Production of texturized vegetable protein. Presented at ASA Seminar Texturized Vegetable Protein. Mexico City, Mexico. Aug. 23.
Riaz, M. N. 2000. Functional and quality parameter of soybean meal. Presented at the Seminario Produccion de aceite crudo, pasta y harina de soya. en el Hotel Ancira Radisson, Monterrey, N. L. Los dias, Mexico, 6y7 de julio.
Riaz, M. N. 2000. Texturized vegetable protein production using extrusion technology.. Presented at Lesieur Cristal, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Casablanca, Morocco. June 28-July 42.
Riaz, M. N. 2000. Production of high quality soybean meal using expanders. Presented at Lesieur Cristal, Organized by the American Soybean Association, Casablanca, Morocco. June, 28-July 4.
Riaz, M. N. 1999. Introduction to extrusion. Presented at the 1st annual Practical Short Course on “Texturized Vegetable Protein”. Organized by the Food Protein, R&D Center, College Station, TX. Oct. 24-28.
Riaz, M. N. 1999. Soybeans as functional food. Nutraceuticals/Functional Foods Short Course. University of Hong Kong. Sep. 29-30.
Kang, S. T., Kim, K. S., Park, S. K., Lee, K. H., Riaz, M. and Rhee, K. C. 1997. Utilization of extruded defatted soy flour as adhesive. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, Seattle, WA, May 11-14.
Lusas, E. W. and Riaz, M. N. 1996. Texturization of soybeans with low-cost extruder. Presented at Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, LA, June 22-26.
Lusas, E. W., Hernandez, E., Koseoglu, S. S., Rhee, K. C., and Riaz, M. N. 1996. Replacing hexane with isopropyl alcohol as an extraction solvent. VI. Conclusions with soybean, cottonseed, and peanut oils. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, Indianapolis, IN, April 28 – May
Lusas, E. W., Riaz, M. N. 1995. Low-cost texturization of soybean protein. Presented at: Simposio Brasileiro de Extrusao de Alimentos: Massas Alimenticias e Produtos Extrudados. Centre de Convencoes da Unicamp, Campinas, S. P. Brazil, March 27-29.
Lusas, E. W. and Riaz, M. N. 1994. Review on feeding of fat and oils to animal. 1994 Presented at 85th Annual Meeting of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, Atlanta, GA, May 8-12.
Lusas. E.W. and Riaz, M. N. 1994. Soy protein products: Processing and use. Presented at 1st International Symposium on the Role of Soy in Preventing and Treating Chronic Disease. Mesa, AZ. Feb. 20-23,
Lusas. E. W., Watkins, L. R., Koseoglu, S. S., Rhee, K. C., Hernandez, E., Riaz, M. N., Johnson, W. H., Jr. and S. C. Doty. 1994. Replacing hexane with isopropyl alcohol as an oil extraction solvent. IV. Progress on cottonseed and soybean extraction. Presented at 85th Annual Meeting of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, Atlanta, GA, May 8-12.